Hello Paolo, Lei, Gerd and all,

Recently I encounter a strange issue about bootindex.

I have two disk named "disk1.test" and "disk1".

When using disk1.test alone, the login picture is: (hostname is localhost)

[image: image.png]

When using disk1 alone, the login picture is:(hostname is nimlite-test)

[image: image.png]

However, when I launch a VM with two virtio-blck-pci device:
disk1.test, bootindex=1
disk1, bootindex=2

I see the above picture alternately. Sometimes the hostname is "localhost",
sometimes the hostname is "nimlite-test". Seems the bootindex has no effect.

I have see the qemu and seabios code, seems no obvious bug. There is no
'handle_18' called in seabios.

The disk1 is originated from disk1.test(CentOS). and when I repalce with
disk.test with a
Debian image, there seems no issue.

So I think there maybe a bug in qemu block layer or guest os?

Could anyone give some hints?

Li Qiang

The command I used is below:

qemu-devel/qemu/x86_64-softmmu/qemu-system-x86_64 -m 1024 -smp 2 -drive
file=disk1.test,format=raw,if=none,id=id1,cache=none -device
-vnc :100 --enable-kvm -drive
file=disk1,format=raw,if=none,id=id2,cache=none -device
virtio-blk-pci,scsi=off,bus=pci.0,addr=0x7,drive=id2,bootindex=2 -boot
strict=on  -boot menu=on  -debugcon file:/home/liqiang02/qemu-devel/4.txt
-global isa-debugcon.iobase=0x402 -bios qemu-devel/seabios/out/bios.bin

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