Fedora 14
- We have 90 open bugs, 9 of which have fixes in awaiting updates.
- 4 bugs have been closed in the last week

Fedora 15
- Upcoming Deadlines:
  2011-03-15  Software Translation Deadline
  2011-03-22  Beta Change Deadline Features 100% Complete
  2011-04-05  Beta Release
  2011-04-25  Final Change Deadline
  2011-04-26  Compose 'Final' RC
  2011-05-10  Fedora 15 Final Release

- Virtualization Test Day is coming up on Thursday, April 14th.  Please
  mark your calendars, and join us for testing and bug hunting.  The more
  we can uncover before release, the better off we are.

- There are currently 59 bugs open against rawhide/F15.

 == Updates Needing review ==
  The following packages are in updates-testing and need review and karma as

  - qemu-0.13.0-1.fc13
    A large number of bug fixes and many patches dropped that have been

  - qemu-0.14.0-2.fc15
    Updated to 0.14.0 final release and re-enabled cris and sparc emulation

  == Virt Preview Repository ==
  The virt-preview repository is now active for F14 users wishing to run the
  latest F15 virt packages on their stable F14 systems.  F13 virt-preview users
  will still get the latest F14 packages.  For details on how to run enable 
  virt-preview, please see:

  == Bugs of importance: ==
- 679179 Openbios-ppc subpackage disappeared
  openbios is not building correctly on ppc right now.  This has to be fixed
  as openbios-ppc is an install dependency for qemu-system-ppc

- 681220 Virtual machines using the qxl driver crash
  Reports of qemu crashing when using the qxl driver with spice.  A patch
  has been posted and will make the next build.

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