
thanks for taking the time to reply

Dr. David Alan Gilbert writes:
> > I suspect that this might be some problem on my side, as I couldn't
> > find any similar report (apart some old (qemu-2.8.50) threads, that
> > didn't help)
> Not necessarily; can you tell me:
>   a) At what point does it fail - immediately when booting the guest?
>      Some time during the boot? Later?
>   b) What guest does it happen on?

a) the error happens almost immediately; I mean: when I run qemu from an
   xterm, it doesn't even popup its window: it just dumps the error
   message to the terminal and stops
b) the guest is an old windows XP OS; but, as I say above, all goes as
   if qemu doesn't even load the OS image (at least this is my

Meantime, I have tried to (quick&dirty) disable the error
catching/asserting in i386/kvm.c:

install:41> diff ./qemu-3.1.0-rc1/target/i386/kvm.c.MSR_HACK 
<     if (ret < cpu->kvm_msr_buf->nmsrs) {
>     if (1==0) {
<     assert(ret == cpu->kvm_msr_buf->nmsrs);
>     assert(1==1);
<     if (ret < cpu->kvm_msr_buf->nmsrs) {
>     if (1==0) {
<     assert(ret == cpu->kvm_msr_buf->nmsrs);
>     assert(1==1);

and that makes qemu start and work without apparent problems.
Of course, that is a crude and risky (I guess) workaround...

thanks again


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