On Wed 02 Jan 2019 12:09:05 PM CET, Leonid Bloch wrote:
> +print_sizes() {
> +    local p=10
> +    while [ ${p} -lt 64 ]
> +    do
> +        local pad=' '
> +        local n=$((p % 10))
> +        n=$((1 << n))
> +        [ $((n / 100)) -eq 0 ] && pad='  '
> +        [ $((n / 10)) -eq 0 ] && pad='   '
> +        local suff=$((p / 10))
> +        printf "#define S_%u%s%s%20u\n" ${n} "$(size_suffix ${suff})" \
> +            "${pad}" $((1 << p))
> +        p=$((p + 1))
> +    done
> +}

I have to say that I'm not very convinced of the benefits of replacing a
set of trivial numeric macros with a longer and harder to read shell
script accompanied by changes to the build system.


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