On Tue, 5 Mar 2019, Gerd Hoffmann wrote:
On Mon, Mar 04, 2019 at 03:58:00PM +0100, BALATON Zoltan wrote:

I'm trying to implement hardware cursor for ati-vga before submitting the
last version of it before the freeze.

Use dpy_cursor_define().

I've done that but it's not working very well. The mouse pointer is quite jumpy with this and there are some problems updating the pointer image when the guest changes image data in video ram without changing registers. (Like when it sets cursor data offset first, then writes image data in memory after that but QEMUCursor is created from the still empty data on setting the register.) I've managed to solve this latter problem (at least for the guest I care about) by allowing some unnecessary cursor updates but position changes remain erratic. I'll submit this version (after some more checking of 2d functions which still don't work well beyond simple cases) because at least doing hw cursor like this works somewhat but I note that the other version with cursor_invalidate and cursor_draw_line callbacks worked much smoother, alas I've found that cannot work with shared_surface.

I'm not sure what causes this pointer position update problem. Could it be that pointer position updates are now independent of screen refresh with dpy_mouse_move so there's a higher chance of doing big jumps where the invalidate/draw_line callbacks were called from display update so they've sampled mouse position in smaller steps somehow? Or is it because mouse pointer is now a real hardware cursor which can be moved independent of the guest but any guest update will warp it back to where the guest thinks it should be? (Also note that draw_line callback could do complement pixels but that's not possible with dpy_cursor_define.)

This also reminds me that jumpy mouse problem was also reported with MacOS guests before with the gtk UI I think (https://www.emaculation.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=9750) but not sure if that's related to this or not. Also not sure what would be the best way to improve this: reviving at least the mouse invalidate callback and do dpy_mouse_move from there instead of calling it on register change? Or also fixing the draw_cursor_line callback with shared surface maybe by providing a separate surface for the mouse in that case for the device model to render the mouse into which then can be composited on the display surface somehow by the frontend? This may be problematic for remote displays and may also loose the advantage of the shared surface unless there's some hardware support for this so I'm not sure about that. But at least the jumpy cursor should be fixed somehow because that makes user experience with hardware cursor quite bad.


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