On Mon, Apr 22, 2019 at 09:21:53PM -0700, Wei Li wrote:
>         2. kvm_stat or perf record -a -e kvm:\* counters for vmexits and
>            interrupt injections.  If these counters vary greatly between queue
>            sizes, then that is usually a clue.  It's possible to get higher
>            performance by spending more CPU cycles although your system 
> doesn't
>            have many CPUs available, so I'm not sure if this is the case.
> [wei]: vmexits looks like a reason. I am using FIO tool to read/write block 
> storage via following sample command, interesting thing is that kvm:kvm_exit 
> count decreased from 846K to 395K after I increased num_queues from 2 to 4 
> while the vCPU count is 2.
>            1). Does this mean using more queues than vCPU count may increase 
> IOPS via spending more CPU cycle? 
>            2). Could you please help me better understand how more queues is 
> able to spend more CPU cycle? Thanks!
>            FIO command: fio --filename=/dev/sdb --direct=1 --rw=randrw 
> --bs=4k --ioengine=libaio --iodepth=64 --numjobs=4 --time_based 
> --group_reporting --name=iops --runtime=60 --eta-newline=1
>         3. Power management and polling (kvm.ko halt_poll_ns, tuned profiles,
>            and QEMU iothread poll-max-ns).  It's expensive to wake a CPU when 
> it
>            goes into a low power mode due to idle.  There are several features
>            that can keep the CPU awake or even poll so that request latency is
>            reduced.  The reason why the number of queues may matter is that
>            kicking multiple queues may keep the CPU awake more than batching
>            multiple requests onto a small number of queues.
> [wei]: CPU awake could be another reason, I noticed that kvm:kvm_vcpu_wakeup 
> count decreased from 151K to 47K after I increased num_queues from 2 to 4 
> while the vCPU count is 2.

This suggests that wakeups are involved in the performance difference.

>            1). Does this mean more queues may keep CPU more busy and awake 
> which reduced the vcpu wakeup time?

Yes, although it depends on how I/O requests are distributed across the
queues.  You can check /proc/interrupts inside the guest to see
interrupt counts for the virtqueues.

>            2). If using more num_queues than vCPU count is able to get higher 
> IOPS for this case, is it safe to use 4 queues while it only have 2 vCPU, or 
> there is any concern or impact by using more queues than vCPU count which I 
> should keep in mind?

2 vs 4 queues should be functionally identical.  The only difference is

> In addition, does Virtio-scsi support Batch I/O Submission feature which may 
> be able to increase the IOPS via reducing the number of system calls?

I don't see obvious batching support in drivers/scsi/virtio_scsi.c.  The
Linux block layer supports batching but I'm not sure if the SCSI layer


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