On 6/27/19 5:16 PM, Dave Martin wrote:
> The architecture says:
> "For all purposes other than returning the result of a direct read of
> ZCR_EL1 then this field behaves as if it is set to the minimum of the
> stored value and the constrained length inherited from more privileged
> Exception levels in the current Security state, rounded down to the
> nearest implemented vector length."
> I think the behaviour of a direct read is implied: the LEN bits yielded
> by an MRS should contain exactly what was last written to them via MSR.

I agree.

Moreover, the value written to ZCR_ELx.LEN should not be directly adjusted
because the effective value also depends on ZCR_EL(x+1).LEN, and if the
higher-level EL register changes, the lower-level EL must see the effect.

The function that should be modified instead is sve_zcr_len_for_el().


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