
We have established a communication channel between a ubuntu 10.04 host and a 
windows xp guest using vm channel.  

At the host end we have used a unix socket. Below is the libvirt related config

<channel type='unix'>
  <source mode='bind' path='/tmp/guestfs' />
  <target type='virtio' name='org.windows-kvm.port.1'/>
 <address type='virtio-serial' controller='0' bus='0'/>

To test if the channel has been successfully created or not we run the 
"vioser_test" at the guest and. At the host end we run "socat /tmp/guestfs -".

We find that while the guest is able to send commands to the host, it does not 
work from the host to the guest end. 

Is the source code for vioser_test available for reference. Also is there any 
reference documents to write agents like vioser_test utility.

Thanks in advance.


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