On 25.07.19 18:21, Max Reitz wrote:
> On 25.07.19 17:28, Maxim Levitsky wrote:


>> For example, QMP reference states that MIRROR_SYNC_MODE_TOP copies data in 
>> the topmost image to the destination.
>> If there is only the topmost image, I could image the caller assume that 
>> target is identical to the source.
> It doesn’t say that it copies the data in the topmost image.  It says it
> copies the data *allocated* in the topmost image.  It follows that it
> will not copy any data that is not allocated.

(I just saw that MirrorSyncMode indeed just says “data in the topmost
image”.  I was looking at DriveBackup and blockdev-backup, which say
“only the sectors allocated in the topmost image”.  I think what
DriveBackup and blockdev-backup say takes precedence here.)


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