* Changes from v1

  - Introduce the patch as a bug fix, rather than a security fix
  - Use do_openat and safe_execveat instead of copying exec_path
  - Extensive test case example
* Test case

  I will present a short program that demonstrated the bug, i.e. what
  is the expected behavior and what really happens.  Then, I will
  explain how this patch fixes this bug.

** The program

   #include <errno.h>
   #include <string.h>
   #include <unistd.h>

   static char *ARG0 = "STOP";
   static char *ARG1 = "-this-is-not-an-option";

   int main(int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[])
           if (0 == strcmp(argv[0], ARG0))
                   return 0;
           argv[0] = ARG0;
           argv[1] = ARG1;
                  (char **const)argv,
                  (char **const)envp);
           return errno;

   Note that in every cases, this program should be run with at least
   one argument, so that argv[1] points to something.

*** Expected behavior

   This program when run normally, i.e. without an emulator or with
   this patch applied, will run two times.  The first time, it will
   change its argv[0] and argv[1] and recursively call itself.  The
   second time, it will stop at the string comparaison between argv[0]
   and the sentinel ARG0, returning 0.  Thus, we expect the program to
   finish with error code 0 and nothing is printed to stdout&stderr.

*** What really happens

   When emulated by qemu-user, this program will fail to call itself
   recursively and will instead call qemu-user.  This is where ARG1
   becomes useful.  It's indeed set to an option that is not supported
   by qemu-user, and thus we expected two things

       1) A message will be printed to stdout&|stderr
       2) A error code different from 0 will be returned

   For example, I get the following output with error code 1
   qemu: unknown option 'this-is-not-an-option'

*** Automated testing

    The following is a quick bash script that demonstrates how to use
    this test case.  I suppose here that qemu-user is the correct
    emulator for the arch of the compiled program a.out.
    out=$(qemu-user ./a.out foo)
    if [[ $out != "" || $? != 0 ]]; then
    exit $ret

* Fixing the bug

   This patch introduces the use of safe_execveat instead of
   safe_execve for the emulation of execve.  By using the do_openat
   function, we ensure that the executable file descriptor is really
   the one the user wants.

Olivier Dion (1):
  Handle /proc/self/exe in syscall execve

 linux-user/syscall.c | 16 +++++++++++++---
 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)


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