On 10/17/19 8:31 AM, Max Reitz wrote:
Unix sockets generally have a maximum path length. Depending on your
$TEST_DIR, it may be exceeded and then all tests that create and use
Unix sockets there may fail.
Circumvent this by adding a new scratch directory specifically for
Unix socket files. It defaults to a temporary directory (mktemp -d)
that is completely removed after the iotests are done.
(By default, mktemp -d creates a /tmp/tmp.XXXXXXXXXX directory, which
should be short enough for our use cases.)
Use mkdir -p to create the directory (because it seems right), and do
the same for $TEST_DIR (because there is no reason for that to be
created in any different way).
Signed-off-by: Max Reitz <mre...@redhat.com>
tests/qemu-iotests/check | 15 +++++++++++++--
1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
@@ -116,10 +117,14 @@ set_prog_path()
if [ -z "$TEST_DIR" ]; then
+mkdir -p "$TEST_DIR" || _init_error 'Failed to create TEST_DIR'
This one seems fine. We are either using the user's name (and if it is
pre-existing, not fail) or using a well-known name (if someone else
slams in files into that directory in parallel with our test run, oh
well). But at least the well-known name is a directory that is probably
already accessible only to the current user, not world-writable.
-if [ ! -e "$TEST_DIR" ]; then
- mkdir "$TEST_DIR"
+if [ -z "$SOCK_DIR" ]; then
+ SOCK_DIR=$(mktemp -d)
+ tmp_sock_dir=true
+mkdir -p "$SOCK_DIR" || _init_error 'Failed to create SOCK_DIR'
Thinking about this again: if the user passed in a name, we probably
want to use it no matter whether the directory already exists (mkdir -p
makes sense: either the directory did not exist, or the user is in
charge of passing us a directory that they already secured). But if we
generate our own name in a world-writable location in /tmp, using mkdir
-p means someone else can race us to the creation of the directory, and
potentially populate it in a way to cause us a security hole while we
execute our tests.
I would be a bit more comfortable with:
if [ -z "$SOCK_DIR" ]; then
SOCK_DIR=$(mktemp -d)
tmp_sock_opt= # disable -p for our generated name
mkdir $tmp_sock_opt "$SOCK_DIR" || _init_error 'Failed to create SOCK_DIR'
Eric Blake, Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc. +1-919-301-3226
Virtualization: qemu.org | libvirt.org