Exactly what my webcam does is:

Takes a frame from ANY available V4L2 device (/dev/video0), caches it, and 
sends it completely to the guest before requesting any other frame.

With this way you need your host driver loaded, but you will get never a 

What it happens is a thing commonly known in game emulators (like for example 
ePSX) as framedrop, that is, you get a slower framerate but not blackouts.

The guest sees a common USB Video Class Device webcam with no controls (this 
can be enhanced easily), so basically you cannot change any parameter.
However all the webcams I tested automatically managed that in the firmware 
with no intervention from any of the drivers (host or guest), changing white 
balance and brightness to the adequate values.

You can see it working without KVM in:

The webcam emulation works with TCG (without KVM), albeit slower, enough to do 
videoconference because of the following:

Using direct connection method (USB passthrough) even when the ISO xfers and 
ECHI 2.0 are completely emulated will always find the following: the host is 
faster than the guest, so the real webcam will always be streaming faster than 
the guest can process it.
Frames are sent in pieces, and if the frame does not arrive completely from 
start to end on all pieces the guest will blackout, and continue black until it 
receives a complete frame.

With fast webcams, like 60 fps ones, this will happen so commonly that there 
will be no image at all.

You can easily see this in VMWare, Parallels or VirtualBox, all of them emulate 
ISO xfers and EHCI 2.0 and when using a webcam it's not really practical.

Framedrop prevents that. From the 60 frames sent in a second by the host, if 
the guest can process only 10, it will receive 10 complete frames, and see the 
webcam as a 10fps one.
That's atomic.

Also my patch supports, as I already said, any V4L2 device including webcams, 
DV cameras, TV tuners from any kind of interface be it Firewire, USB, PCI, 
Serial, AGP, so on.

El 29/05/2011, a las 15:03, Peter Baitz escribió:

> Hello Natalia and Andreas,
> Thank you for the replies and suggestions.  I will lookup V4L.  
> Natalia,
> So your patch creates a generic webcam under KVM/Qemu to allow many webcams 
> to work?
> My only concern is the following:   I use specific Philips webcams, and one 
> in particular has a long exposure modification that the PWC driver (Fedora 11 
> guest on Fedora 15 host) coupled with Qastrocam-G2 (v4.9) allows the 
> "shutter" to remain open through USB control of the LED.  If the guest 
> restorts to using a generic webcam driver, I think this would preclude 
> functionality that the native driver supports ?  
> Also, can you tell me - when KVM is running my guest, should the PWC webcam 
> driver be loaded and/or the /dev/video0 on the HOST (F15), versus the guest 
> (F11) ?   I am confused as to which components are supposed to be enabled or 
> disabled while running the guest webcam.   What I see is when I enable the 
> webcam USB device in KVM, it appears to disable the /dev/video0 on the host 
> an brings it up in the guest.   And the pwc driver loads and remains on both 
> host and guest.  
> Peter
> --- On Sun, 5/29/11, Natalia Portillo <clau...@claunia.com> wrote:
> From: Natalia Portillo <clau...@claunia.com>
> Subject: Re: [Qemu-devel] Webcams under KVM and Linux
> To: "Andreas Färber" <andreas.faer...@web.de>
> Cc: "Peter Baitz" <ussenterprisencc1...@rocketmail.com>, "QEMU Developers" 
> <qemu-devel@nongnu.org>
> Date: Sunday, May 29, 2011, 1:53 PM
> Hash: SHA256
> More concretely search for patches sent by me.
> Even when EHCI is finished still is the problem of isochronous transfer not 
> working well because of timing issues on QEMU.
> My patches overcome the need for ISO transfer and EHCI controllers 
> completely, as well as providing an universal device to the guest that works 
> with every Windows >XP, every Linux and even Mac OS X.
> El 29/05/2011, a las 14:37, Andreas Färber escribió:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > Am 29.05.2011 um 15:01 schrieb Peter Baitz:
> > 
> >> 
> >>> [...] You should notice that it is not just adding
> >>> ISOC and USB 2.0 support, but also to prioritize the processing of isoc
> >>> packets on a virtual environment, and to provide enough throughput for
> >>> video streams
> >> 
> >> [...] Please check the qemu-devel mailing list archive, specifically 
> >> regarding recent discussions about EHCI (USB 2.0). Some of those threads 
> >> address isochronous transfer as well.
> >> 
> >> In the meantime, you could also try to assign a complete host controller 
> >> to the guest to get a webcam working. I tried this a while ago, though the 
> >> result was only moderately well working here.
> > 
> >> [...] I would indeed like to hear more about what the project is adding to 
> >> KVM - Qemu to allow video to work with webcams
> > [...]
> >> I was told I could try to add a complete host controller to the guest, but 
> >> am not entirely sure I understand what that means?  Looking for specifics? 
> >>  Is there a suggestion for doing this during install of the KVM guest, or 
> >> can this be done while the guest is running, or otherwise?
> > 
> > Independent of the ongoing EHCI work, I remember a patch specifically for 
> > webcams a while ago, try searching the archives for V4L.
> > 
> > Andreas
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