Am 22.11.2019 um 15:40 hat Markus Armbruster geschrieben:
> Kevin Wolf <> writes:
> > Am 22.11.2019 um 08:29 hat Markus Armbruster geschrieben:
> >> > At any rate, your counterpoint is taken - whatever we pick, we'll want
> >> > to make sure that introspection can expose semantics, and whether we
> >> > can make '*' redundant with some other form of longhand in the qapi
> >> > language is in part determined by whether we also reflect that through
> >> > introspection.
> >> 
> >> Introspection has the true member name, without the '*' prefix.
> >> 
> >> We'll also want to avoid unnecessary compromises on QAPI schema
> >> expressiveness.  If we use null to mean "schema does not specify
> >> behavior when member is absent", we can't use it to mean "absent member
> >> behaves like the value null".  A bit of a blemish, but I think it's a
> >> tolerable one.
> >
> > If you want an example for an option that defaults to null, take the
> > backing option of BlockdevOptionsGenericCOWFormat.
> >
> > What is the reason for even considering limiting the expressiveness? Do
> > you think that an additional 'optional' bool, at least for those options
> > that don't have a default, would be so bad in the longhand form? Or
> > keeping '*' even in the longhand form, as suggested below.
> Well, one reason is this:
>     ##
>     # @SchemaInfoObjectMember:
>     #
>     # An object member.
>     #
>     # @name: the member's name, as defined in the QAPI schema.
>     #
>     # @type: the name of the member's type.
>     #
>     # @default: default when used as command parameter.
>     #           If absent, the parameter is mandatory.
>     #           If present, the value must be null.  The parameter is
>     #           optional, and behavior when it's missing is not specified
>     #           here.
>     #           Future extension: if present and non-null, the parameter
>     #           is optional, and defaults to this value.
>     #
>     # Since: 2.5
>     ##
> If we want to be able to express the difference between "behavior when
> absent is not specified here" and "absent behaves like value null", then
> we need to somehow add that bit of information here.
> Could use a feature.  Features are not yet implemented for members, but
> we need them anyway.

That definition wasn't a great idea, I'm afraid. :-(

But "default is QNull" is still acceptable behaviour for "not
specified" if the client doesn't need to know what the default is.

> >> >                 If that means that keeping '*' in the longhand form of
> >> > optional members (whether or not those members have a default value),
> >> > then so be it.
> >> 
> >> I believe both
> >> 
> >>     '*KEY': { 'type': ARG': 'default': null }
> >> 
> >> and
> >> 
> >>     'KEY': { 'type': ARG': 'default': null }
> >> 
> >> are viable longhand forms for '*KEY': 'ARG'.
> >> 
> >> I prefer the latter, but I'm open to arguments.
> >
> > If you go for the former, then you certainly want to use absent
> > 'default' to indicate no default, and allow a QNull default with
> > 'default': null.
> >
> > The only reason to abuse 'default': null for no default is that you
> > can't distinguish optional and non-optional if you use 'KEY' for both
> > instead of 'KEY' for mandatory and '*KEY' for optional.
> >
> > So while I understand and to some degree share your dislike for the '*'
> > prefix, I think I cast my pragmatic vote for:
> >
> > mandatory:                   'KEY':  { 'type': 'ARG' }
> > optional without a default:  '*KEY': { 'type': 'ARG' }
> > optional with QNull default: '*KEY': { 'type': 'ARG', 'default': null }
> The last one could also be     'KEY': { 'type': 'ARG', 'default': null }
> without loss of expressiveness.
> Differently ugly.

Not loss of expressiveness, but loss of consistency.

> Here's yet another idea.  For the "absent is not specified here" case,
> use
>     'KEY': { 'type': 'ARG', optional: true }
>     '*KEY': 'ARG'
> For the "absent defaults to DEFVAL" case, use
>     'KEY': { 'type': 'ARG', optional: true, 'default': DEFVAL }
>     'KEY': { 'type': 'ARG', 'default': DEFVAL }

I assume this means: 'optional' defaults to true if 'default' is
present, and to false if 'default' is absent. (It's an example of a
default that can't be expressed in the schema.)

Works for me.


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