Am 13.05.2020 um 21:12 hat Lukas Straub geschrieben:
> Terminology:
> instance = one (nbd) blockdev/one chardev/the single migrationstate
> connection = one TCP connection
> Hello Everyone,
> Having read all the comments, here is proposal v2:

Looks quite good to me.

> Every instance registers itself with a unique name in the form
> "blockdev:<node-name>", "chardev:<chardev-name>" and "migration" using
> yank_register_instance which will do some sanity checks like checking
> if the same name exists already. Then (multiple) yank functions can be
> registered as needed with that single name. When the instance exits/is
> removed, it unregisters all yank functions and unregisters it's name
> with yank_unregister_instance which will check if all yank functions
> where unregistered.

Feels like nitpicking, but you say that functions are registered with a
name that you have previously registered. If you mean literally passing
a string, could this lead to callers forgetting to register it first?

Maybe yank_register_instance() should return something like a
YankInstance object that must be passed to yank_register_function().
Then you would probably also have a list of all functions registered for
a single instance so that yank_unregister_instance() could automatically
remove all of them instead of requiring the instance to do so.

> Every instance that supports the yank feature will register itself and
> the yank functions unconditionally (No extra 'yank' option per
> instance).
> The 'query-yank' oob qmp command lists the names of all registered
> instances.
> The 'yank' oob qmp command takes a list of names and for every name
> calls all yank functions registered with that name. Before doing
> anything, it will check that all names exist.
> If the instance has multiple connections (say, migration with
> multifd), i don't think it makes much sense to just shutdown one
> connection. Calling 'yank' on a instance will always shutdown all
> connections of that instance.

I think it depends. If shutting down one connection basically kills the
functionality of the whole instance, there is no reason not to kill all
connections. But if the instance could continue working on the second
connection, maybe it shouldn't be killed.

Anyway, we can extend things as needed later. I already mentioned
elsewhere in this thread that block node-names have a restricted set of
allowed character, so having a suffix to distinguish multiple yankable
things is possible. I just checked chardev and it also restricts the
allowed set of characters, so the same applies. 'migration' is only a
fixed string, so it's trivially extensible.

So we know a path forward if we ever need to yank individual
connections, which is good enough for me.

> Yank functions are generic and in no way limited to connections. Say,
> if migration is started to an 'exec:' address, migration could
> register a yank function to kill that external command on yank (Won't
> be implemented yet though).

Yes, this makes sense as a potential future use case.


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