On 2020/6/1 20:29, Andrew Jones wrote:
On Mon, Jun 01, 2020 at 08:07:31PM +0800, Ying Fang wrote:

On 2020/6/1 16:07, Andrew Jones wrote:
On Sat, May 30, 2020 at 04:56:26PM +0800, Ying Fang wrote:
About the kvm-no-adjvtime CPU property

Hi Andrew,
To adjust virutal time, a new kvm cpu property kvm-no-adjvtime
was introduced to 5.0 virt machine types. However the cpu
property was enabled only for host-passthrough and max cpu model.
As for other cpu model like cortex-a57, cortex-a53, cortex-a72,
this kvm-adjvtime is not enabled by default, which means the
virutal time can not be adjust for them.

Here, for example, if VM is configured with kvm enabled:

    <cpu mode='custom' match='exact' check='partial'>
      <model fallback='allow'>cortex-a72</model>
      <topology sockets='2' dies='1' cores='2' threads='1'/>
        <cell id='0' cpus='0-1' memory='16777216' unit='KiB'/>
        <cell id='1' cpus='2-3' memory='16777216' unit='KiB'/>

We cannot adjust virtual time even if 5.0 virt machine is used.
So i'd like to add it to other cpu model, do you have any
suggestions here ?

Hi Fang,

The cpu feature only requires kvm.  If a cpu model may be used with kvm,
then the feature can be allowed to be used with the model.  What I find
interesting is that the cpu model is being used with kvm instead of 'host'
or 'max'.  Can you explain the reasons for that?  Currently, when using
yes,the cpu model is indeed used with kvm.

There is a situation where the host cpu model is Cortex-A72 and
a 'custom' cpu mode is used to keep insrtuction set compatible between
the source and destination host machine when doing live migration.
So the host physical machine cpu model is Cortex-A72 but
host-passthrough model is mode used here.
I mean host-passthrough model is 'not' used here. Sorry to make it confusing.

Are the source and destinations hosts used in the migration identical?
If so, then the guest can use cpu 'host' and disable cpu features that
should not be exposed (e.g. -cpu host,pmu=off).  If the source and
destination hosts are not identical, then I'm curious what those exact
differences are.  With the way AArch64 KVM works today, even using the
Cortex-A72 cpu model should require identical hosts when migrating.  Or,
at least both hosts must be compatible with Cortex-A72 and any difference
in ID registers must be somehow getting hidden from the guest.
Yes, you are right.
We have AAarch64 server with cpu based on Cortex-A72 and some extra instruction set added. Source host with cpu based on V1 and destination host with cpu based on V2 and they are compatible with Cortex-A72. We want to use a 'custom' cpu mode here to make it possible to do live migration between them. This is the scenario where the 'host' cpu model is not used since a 'custom' cpu model Cortex-A72 is used here . However the kvm-adjvtime feature is also need. So I think we should move kvm_arm_add_vcpu_properties to arm_cpu_post_init, instead of limited to 'host' and 'max' cpu model[1].

1: https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/qemu-devel/2020-06/msg00091.html


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