Emilio G. Cota <1885...@bugs.launchpad.net> writes:

> You should then find out why libqemu_plugin.dll.a is not working. It is
> possible though that your linked is calling the import library something
> else, for instance adding a .dll extension to it.
> You will have to run a few tests with your linker (I'd just use the
> examples from the stackoverflow links I posted above) to see the name of
> the import library that gets created. My assumption is that some library
> gets created, otherwise the linked should give you an error and AFAICT
> it does not.
> Once you find what the import library us, you should be in good shape to
> adapt the above for QEMU. Let us know how it goes!

I did have a go but couldn't get far with the mingw docker images. I got
somewhat distracted yesterday solving the mysterious regenerating
syscall_nr.h problem so I've run out of bandwidth to look at this any
longer. If the two of you find an eventual solution please send me a


Alex Bennée

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