On 13/09/2020 00.44, Yonggang Luo wrote:
> It first introduce msys2 CI on cirrus by fixes nfs, capstone, curses and
> disable partial test-char tests.
> And then fixes all unit tests failure on msys2/mingw
> This fixes the reviews suggested in the mailling list
> All cirrus CI are passed


since you're very often sending new versions of your patch series, could
you please add a history to the cover letter to say what you changed in
each version? Otherwise, your work is very hard to follow.
I'd also suggest to really slow down the sending a little bit. Let your
patches mature in your tests first, then send out a new series only if
you feel that they are really ready. Nobody has the bandwith to review a
patch series with 27 patches each day...


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