On 08/09/2011 07:02 AM, rowa wrote:
Hi Stefan,

here is the file qapi-visit-core.txt:



This seems to confirm ALSA's error.h is the culprit:

# 375 "./qemu-common.h" 2
# 18 "./qapi/qapi-types-core.h" 2
# 1 "/usr/include/alsa/error.h" 1
# 45 "/usr/include/alsa/error.h"
const char *snd_strerror(int errnum);
# 59 "/usr/include/alsa/error.h"
typedef void (*snd_lib_error_handler_t)(const char *file, int line, const char *function, int err, const char *fmt, ...) ;
extern snd_lib_error_handler_t snd_lib_error;
extern int snd_lib_error_set_handler(snd_lib_error_handler_t handler);
# 19 "./qapi/qapi-types-core.h" 2

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