On 01/10/20 20:51, Peter Maydell wrote:
> Yes, I have a lot of --disable-foo options. Ideally I wouldn't
> need any, because our configure/build system would identify "there
> isn't actually a static version of this dependency present"
> rather than blindly trusting pkg-config when it lies to us.
> (Is it possible to get Meson to just always do a "test that
> a trivial program with these cflags and libs will build" as
> part of whatever magic it does as part of dependency() ?

Unfortunately there are many special cases, including libraries that
require symbols in the executable, so its not possible to do that.  For
this reason the "static library not found for dependency" is just a warning.

We can add such a compile test ourselves.  Of course it might add to the
compile time if we do it for every dependency, but perhaps we can do one
with all the dependencies and if it fails loop on single dependencies to
give a better error.


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