On 10/2/20 5:19 AM, Markus Armbruster wrote:
John Snow <js...@redhat.com> writes:

On 10/1/20 4:52 AM, Markus Armbruster wrote:
John Snow <js...@redhat.com> writes:

On 9/30/20 4:47 AM, Markus Armbruster wrote:
John Snow <js...@redhat.com> writes:

I did not say "sphinx beautiful", just "sphinx compatible". They will
not throw errors when parsed and interpreted as ReST.
"Bang on the keyboard until Sphinx doesn't throw errors anymore"
be good enough for a certain kind of mathematician, but a constructive
solution needs a bit more direction.  Is there a specification to
follow?  Other useful resources?

I don't know if you are asking this question rhetorically, or in good faith.
I ask to make sure I understand goals and limitations of your doc
work in this series.
Also, even a passing to Sphinx becomes more useful when accompanied
by a
link to relevant documentation.

Let me preface this by saying: This series, and these 119 patches, are
not about finding a style guide for our docstring utilization or about
proposing one. It is also not about rigorously adding such
documentation or about finding ways to meaningfully publish it with
e.g. Sphinx, or the styling of such pages.

Why bother to add docstrings at all, then? Because I needed them for
my own sake when learning this code and I felt it would be a waste to
just delete them, and I am of sound mind and able body and believe
that some documentation was better than none. They are useful even
just as plaintext.

Having said that, let's explore the actual style I tend to use.

I mentioned before in response to a review comment that there isn't
really any standard for docstrings. There are a few competing
"styles", but none of which are able to be programmatically checked
and validated.

The primary guide for docstrings is PEP 257, of which I follow some
but not all of the recommendations.


I find PEP 257 frustrating.  It leaves me with more questions than

Yeah, sorry. That's what we're dealing with. It's very open-ended.

In general,

- Always use triple-double quotes (unenforced)
- Modules, classes, and functions should have docstrings (pylint)
- No empty lines before or after the docstring (unenforced)
- Multi-line docstrings should take the form (unenforced):

single-line summary of function.

Additional prose if needed describing the function.

:param x: Input such that blah blah.
:raises y: When input ``x`` is unsuitable because blah blah.
:returns: A value that blah blah.
This paragraph is already not PEP 257.

Right -- well, it isn't NOT PEP 257 either. It just suggests you have
to describe these features, but it doesn't say HOW.

Yep.  Frustrating.


PEP257 suggests a form where the single-line summary appears on the
same line as the opening triple quotes. I don't like this, and prefer
symmetry. PEP257 *also* suggests that writing it my way is equivalent
to their way, because any docstring processor should trim the first
line. I take this as tacit admission that my way is acceptable and has
I prefer the symmetric form myself.

What about the syntax or markup inside the docstring itself? there is
*absolutely no standard*, but Sphinx autodoc recognizes a few field
lists as significant in its parsing, so I prefer using them:

Doc link?

Hard to search for in my opinion;

More reason to provide a link!

Yup. I took a stab at it in a new commit message.

                                   you want to search for "sphinx
python domain", and then click on "field lists" on the sidebar.


It has a special understanding for:

param/parameter/arg/argument/key/keyword: I prefer "param"
here. Possibly key/keyword if we use a **kwargs form with a key that
we specially recognize, but I've not tested that yet. I know pycharm
understands "param" in a semantic way, and that's been good enough for me.

type: Defines the type of a parameter. In my opinion, do not use
this. Let native type hints do the lifting.


raises/raise/except/exception: I prefer "raises". "raises ErrorType
when...." is a good sentence.

var/ivar/cvar: Describes a variable, presumably in the body of the
function below. I've never used this, I always describe it in prose

vartype: Defines a type for a variable; I would again defer to the
native type system instead now.

returns/return: I prefer "returns" for grammatical reasons
again. ("Returns such-and-such when...")

"Return such-and-such when..." is just as correct: imperative mood.  I
prefer imperative mood for function contracts.

I think there's some other style guide I saw that prefers this too. I think I casually prefer "raises" and "returns", but "raise X when" and "return Y such that" both make sense, too.

Not something I'll go to fight and die for, but it's probably the case that I have already been using the other form.

I can fix these alongside a style guide if you'd like, but I'd ask for your lenience to allow me do that as a follow-up in a series that I won't mind spending more time in review to perfect our style.

rtype: again, type information. Don't use.

meta: For directives to sphinx, e.g. :meta private: or :meta public:
to toggle the visibility class from its default. I don't use this.

None of these are validated or checked in any meaningful way; you can
use arbitrarily field lists (and I do in a few places!) to define your
own terms and so on.

(I would like to improve autodoc in the future to validate your
docstrings such that you can enforce :param:, :raises: and :return:
and it uses the type hints and introspection information to raise an
error when you make an obvious mistake. I am not there yet, but I am
using Peter Maydell's work to help inform how I might write such an
extension to autodoc. This work is not critical, but it will likely
occur upstream, outside of the QEMU context because I believe this is
a good thing to do for the ecosystem in general, to allow autodoc to
function slightly more like e.g. Doxygen does.)

Sounds useful, but yes, it's clearly outside QEMU context.

:param x: Denotes the parameter X. Do not use type information in the
string, we rely on mypy for that now.

:raises y: explains a case in which an Exception type y may be raised
either directly by this code or anticipated to be allowed to be raised
by a helper call. (There's no standard here that I am aware of. I use
my judgment. Always document direct raise calls, but use your judgment
for sub-calls.)

:returns: explains the semantics of the return value.

That said, literally any sphinx/ReST markup is OK as long as it passes
make sphinxdocs. Some sphinx markup is prohibited, like adding new
full-throated sections. You can use arbitrary field lists, definition
lists, pre-formatted text, examples, code blocks, whatever.

In general, you are not going to find the kind of semantic validation
you want to ensure that the parameter names are correct, or that you
spelled :param: right, or that you didn't miss a parameter or an
exception. None of that tooling exists for Python.

Thus, it's all rather subjective. No right answers, no validation
tools. Just whatever seems reasonable to a human eye until such time
we actually decide to pursue publishing the API docs in the
development manual, if indeed we ever do so at all.

That series sounds like a great opportunity to hash this all out. That
is when I would like to remove --missing-docstring, too. There will
absolutely be a "docstring series" in the future, but I am insisting
stubbornly it happen after strict typing.

Okay.  Nevertheless, I'd prefer a bit more information in the commit
message.  Here's my try:

      qapi: Modify docstrings to be sphinx-compatible

      I did not say "sphinx beautiful", just "sphinx compatible". They
      will not throw errors when parsed and interpreted as ReST.  Finding
      a comprehensive style guide for our docstring utilization is left
      for another day.

      For now, use field lists recognized by Sphinx autodoc.
      FIXME link to their documentation

That I can do -- and I will double down on my IOU for a more formal
style guide: https://gitlab.com/jsnow/qemu/-/issues/7

I didn't bother writing it in any of the commits because I felt like
it'd get lost there and would be mostly useless; but a .rst doc inside
the package folder would be hard to miss.

I plan to check in something like ./python/README.rst or
./python/CODING_STYLE.rst to try and formalize a lot of what I am
doing here, where it's going to be harder to miss.

Makes sense.

Signed-off-by: John Snow <js...@redhat.com>
    scripts/qapi/gen.py    | 6 ++++--
    scripts/qapi/parser.py | 9 +++++----
    2 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scripts/qapi/gen.py b/scripts/qapi/gen.py
index ca66c82b5b8..fc19b2aeb9b 100644
--- a/scripts/qapi/gen.py
+++ b/scripts/qapi/gen.py
@@ -154,9 +154,11 @@ def _bottom(self):
    def ifcontext(ifcond, *args):
-    """A 'with' statement context manager to wrap with start_if()/end_if()
+    """
+    A 'with' statement context manager that wraps with `start_if` and `end_if`.
Sadly, the fact that start_if() and end_if() are functions isn't
immediately obvious anymore.
I've seen :func:`start_if` elsewhere.  Is this something we should
want to use?

We *could*.

`start_if` relies on the default role, which I have provisionally set
to "any" here, so this is shorthand for :any:`start_if`.

The :any: role means: "cross-reference any type of thing." If there is
not exactly one thing that matches, it results in an error during the
documentation build.

I like this, because it's nice short-hand syntax that I think
communicates effectively to the reader that this is a symbol of some
kind without needing a premium of ReST-ese.

CONSTANTS are capitalized, Classes are title cased, and functions are
lower_case. `lower_case` references can be assumed to be functions,

`lower_case` could also refer to an attribute, variable, or

Hm. Attribute yes, actually. variable and parameter no -- sphinx does
not presently provide syntax or roles for creating anchors to
parameter names or variables, so they are not able to be

How would you mark up variable names in doc strings?  Often, their
"variableness" is obvious from context, but not always.  In C comments,
we tend to use @var [*].

I have been using ``var`` so far, to render it in a preformatted monowidth style. It doesn't cross-reference anything and it is no different from other pre-formatted literal blocks. I use the same markup for Python types; ``str`` and ``List[str]`` and so on -- other literal values like ``True``, ``False``, and ``"string_literal"``.

We could look into creating markup for it, like :v:`var` or something, to which we apply rendering logic to distinguish them, but that's beyond my means to do quickly at the moment. I can add it to my list to investigate ("someday").

Also possible that we might look at autodoc extensions to generate cross-references for variable names (by modifying handling for :param:?), but I also don't know if rst/sphinx references can be "scoped"? Variables and parameters will collide far more often than function/class/module names.

If you could do, say, `funcname.varname` in cases where the variable was ambiguous and it jumped to the sphinx docs where that variable/parameter was described, that'd be hot.

But it's not something that's tractable to me right now, sorry.

Attributes CAN be cross-referenced, but only when they are documented.

Another style guide thing:

#: x is a number that represents "The Answer". See `Douglas Adams`_.
self.x = 42

You can use the special comment form "#:" to add a one-line
description of an attribute that Sphinx will pick up. Sphinx skips
these attributes otherwise. If you consider them part of the interface
of the module, it's maybe a good idea to do this.

You can also use docstrings, but the ordering changes:

self.x = 42
"""x is a number that represents "The Answer". See `Douglas Adams`_.

I kind of like the #: form because it announces what follows, but I
admit it's a bit of special sphinx magic.

Are both equally available in Python IDEs and in interactive Python?

Docstrings are only recognized as special for modules, classes and functions. I do not think Python recognizes docstrings for attributes at all, actually.

>>> help(qapi.common)

is going to show you:

- the description (docstring, comments) for the module
- the classes defined in it (Indentation),
- functions and their docstrings (c_enum_const, c_fname, c_name, ...)
- "Data": (EATSPACE, POINTER_SUFFIX, indent)

I commented EATSPACE in my patches because I reference it from somewhere else. Either style does not show up in help(qapi.common).

qapi.common.EATSPACE does have a __doc__ attribute, but it's actually the doc attribute for `str()`! Not what we wanted at all.

So either style is invisible at runtime. Sad.

We can also prefer to use @property style functions which can receive docstrings -- but this only works for classes! I don't think there's a standard way to define "properties" for modules exactly as such.

That means that module-level data (constants, globals, etc.) don't really have a great way to be documented. The best place is likely actually in the module docstring itself, but you cannot cross-reference such a location with Sphinx, I think.

Needs more research, but again I plead that this is good fodder for a later series when we attempt to calcify a standard.

but I will admit that this is not enforced or necessarily true as we
add more cross reference types in the future.

(I am trying to add QMP cross-reference syntax!)

I still prefer `start_if` to :func:`start_if` simply because it's less
markup and is easier to read in plaintext contexts. You're right, it
doesn't look like a function anymore.
Yes, :func:`start_if` is rather heavy.  I asked because I wanted to
understand what :func: buys us.  Not meant as endorsement.

It specifically targets only cross-references of that exact type. In
the case that the :any: reference is ambiguous, :func: is the

GDK-Doc seems smart enough to recognize start_if().  Sphinx isn't,
because it's built around reST syntax.  We put our money on the Sphinx
horse, so...

I'm not sure if another annotations would work -- `start_if`() or
`start_if()`. Both seem kind of clunky to me, to be honest. Personal
feeling is "not really worth the hassle."

You later reported the latter works.
I prefer `start_if()` to `start_if`.  Matter of taste.

Change made.


    -    *args: any number of QAPIGenCCode
+    :param ifcond: List of conditionals
+    :param args: any number of `QAPIGenCCode`.
    diff --git a/scripts/qapi/parser.py b/scripts/qapi/parser.py
index 9d1a3e2eea9..02983979965 100644
--- a/scripts/qapi/parser.py
+++ b/scripts/qapi/parser.py
@@ -381,10 +381,11 @@ def append(self, line):
              The way that the line is dealt with depends on which
part of
            the documentation we're parsing right now:
-        * The body section: ._append_line is ._append_body_line
-        * An argument section: ._append_line is ._append_args_line
-        * A features section: ._append_line is ._append_features_line
-        * An additional section: ._append_line is ._append_various_line
+         * The body section: ._append_line is ._append_body_line
+         * An argument section: ._append_line is ._append_args_line
+         * A features section: ._append_line is ._append_features_line
+         * An additional section: ._append_line is ._append_various_line
            line = line[1:]
            if not line:
I understand why you insert a blank line (reST wants blank lines
lists), I don't understand why you indent.  Can you explain?

I was mistaken about it needing the indent!
Easy enough to tidy up :)

Already done!

Thanks again!

[*] GTK-Doc says @var is just for parameters, but since it offers
nothing for variables, we sometimes use it for variables as well.

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