On 19 August 2011 03:59, 陳韋任 <che...@iis.sinica.edu.tw> wrote:
>> More generally and not x86-specific, there are problems with
>> the multithreaded user-mode support which I suspect exist because
>> nobody has ever sat down and worked out a coherent design for it,
>> including what might need to be thread-local and what locking
>> is required. So the result is that it mostly works but if you
>  You mean some QEMU data structures need to be thread-local or lock
> protected in order to emulate guest multi-threaded program correctly?

Approximately, yes (the third option being "redesign the data
structure so it can be sensibly protected"). See
https://bugs.launchpad.net/qemu/+bug/668799 for discussion of
one example.

None of this is impossibly difficult; it just requires that somebody
sits down and actually works through the problems and fixes them.

-- PMM

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