On 7 September 2011 12:16, Danilo Bojovic <danilo.d.bojo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Now, tried to start QEMU with command:
> qemu-system-arm -M lm3s811evb -kernel vmlinuz-3.0.4 -initrd
> initrd.img-3.0.4 -hda debian_lenny_arm_standard.qcow2 -append
> "root=/dev/sda1"
> and then I get message:
> vmlinuz-3.0.4 : No such file or directory
> qemu: could not load kernel 'vmlinuz-3.0.4'
> This is strange because that file exist in my file system in /boot
> directory. I don't know ho to resolve this, so please help.

The first (and minor) problem is that you need to specify the
exact path to the kernel file: qemu will not randomly look in
/boot (why should it?) but only where you tell it to. If you
specify a filename with no directory part it will look in the
current working directory.

The more major issue here is that you seem to be trying to run
a standard Linux kernel and filesystem image on this machine.
This will never work -- the lm3s811evb is a machine based on
the ARM Cortex-M3 microcontroller, which does not have an MMU
and is not capable of running Linux.

If you want to use the lm3s811evb model you need a binary
(probably an RTOS or possibly a standalone bare-metal app)
which has been compiled specifically for this hardware.

What are you actually trying to achieve here?

-- PMM

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