
On 2/19/21 6:58 PM, Cleber Rosa wrote:
To run basic jobs on custom runners, the environment needs to be
properly set up.  The most common requirement is having the right
packages installed.

The playbook introduced here covers the QEMU's project s390x and
aarch64 machines.  At the time this is being proposed, those machines
have already had this playbook applied to them.

Signed-off-by: Cleber Rosa <cr...@redhat.com>
  docs/devel/ci.rst                      | 30 ++++++++++
  scripts/ci/setup/build-environment.yml | 76 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  scripts/ci/setup/inventory             |  1 +
  3 files changed, 107 insertions(+)
  create mode 100644 scripts/ci/setup/build-environment.yml
  create mode 100644 scripts/ci/setup/inventory

I tested the playbook in a Fedora 32 (aarch64) machine using containers, as:

dnf install -y podman podman-docker ansible
echo "" > inventory
for ver in 18.04 20.04; do
    name="ubuntu_$(echo $ver | sed 's/\./_/')_runner"
    podman run --rm -d --name "$name" docker.io/library/ubuntu:$ver tail -f /dev/null     podman exec "$name" sh -c 'apt-get update && apt-get install -y python3'     echo "$name ansible_connection=docker ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python3" >> inventory
ansible-playbook -i inventory build-environment.yml

So, Tested-by: Wainer dos Santos Moschetta <waine...@redhat.com>

diff --git a/docs/devel/ci.rst b/docs/devel/ci.rst
index 585b7bf4b8..a556558435 100644
--- a/docs/devel/ci.rst
+++ b/docs/devel/ci.rst
@@ -26,3 +26,33 @@ gitlab-runner, is called a "custom runner".
  The GitLab CI jobs definition for the custom runners are located under::
+Machine Setup Howto
+For all Linux based systems, the setup can be mostly automated by the
+execution of two Ansible playbooks.  Start by adding your machines to
+the ``inventory`` file under ``scripts/ci/setup``, such as this::
+  fully.qualified.domain
+  other.machine.hostname
+You may need to set some variables in the inventory file itself.  One
+very common need is to tell Ansible to use a Python 3 interpreter on
+those hosts.  This would look like::
+  fully.qualified.domain ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python3
+  other.machine.hostname ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python3
+Build environment
+The ``scripts/ci/setup/build-environment.yml`` Ansible playbook will
+set up machines with the environment needed to perform builds and run
+QEMU tests.  It covers a number of different Linux distributions and
+To run the playbook, execute::
+  cd scripts/ci/setup
+  ansible-playbook -i inventory build-environment.yml
diff --git a/scripts/ci/setup/build-environment.yml 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0197e0a48b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/ci/setup/build-environment.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+- name: Installation of basic packages to build QEMU
+  hosts: all
+  tasks:
+    - name: Update apt cache
+      apt:
+        update_cache: yes
+      when:
+        - ansible_facts['distribution'] == 'Ubuntu'
+    - name: Install basic packages to build QEMU on Ubuntu 18.04/20.04
+      package:
+        name:
+        # Originally from tests/docker/dockerfiles/ubuntu1804.docker
+          - ccache
+          - clang
+          - gcc
+          - gettext
+          - git
+          - glusterfs-common
+          - libaio-dev
+          - libattr1-dev
+          - libbrlapi-dev
+          - libbz2-dev
+          - libcacard-dev
+          - libcap-ng-dev
+          - libcurl4-gnutls-dev
+          - libdrm-dev
+          - libepoxy-dev
+          - libfdt-dev
+          - libgbm-dev
+          - libgtk-3-dev
+          - libibverbs-dev
+          - libiscsi-dev
+          - libjemalloc-dev
+          - libjpeg-turbo8-dev
+          - liblzo2-dev
+          - libncurses5-dev
+          - libncursesw5-dev
+          - libnfs-dev
+          - libnss3-dev
+          - libnuma-dev
+          - libpixman-1-dev
+          - librados-dev
+          - librbd-dev
+          - librdmacm-dev
+          - libsasl2-dev
+          - libsdl2-dev
+          - libseccomp-dev
+          - libsnappy-dev
+          - libspice-protocol-dev
+          - libssh-dev
+          - libusb-1.0-0-dev
+          - libusbredirhost-dev
+          - libvdeplug-dev
+          - libvte-2.91-dev
+          - libzstd-dev
+          - make
+          - ninja-build
+          - python3-yaml
+          - python3-sphinx
+          - sparse
+          - xfslibs-dev
+        state: present
+      when:
+        - ansible_facts['distribution'] == 'Ubuntu'
+    - name: Install packages to build QEMU on Ubuntu 18.04/20.04 on non-s390x
+      package:
+        name:
+          - libspice-server-dev
+          - libxen-dev
+        state: present
+      when:
+        - ansible_facts['distribution'] == 'Ubuntu'
+        - ansible_facts['architecture'] != 's390x'
diff --git a/scripts/ci/setup/inventory b/scripts/ci/setup/inventory
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2fbb50c4a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/ci/setup/inventory
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

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