On 5/3/21 11:02 AM, Max Reitz wrote:
On 30.04.21 23:03, Emanuele Giuseppe Esposito wrote:

On 30/04/2021 13:59, Max Reitz wrote:
On 14.04.21 19:03, Emanuele Giuseppe Esposito wrote:
Attaching a gdbserver implies that the qmp socket
should wait indefinitely for an answer from QEMU.

Signed-off-by: Emanuele Giuseppe Esposito <eespo...@redhat.com>
  python/qemu/machine.py        |  3 +++
  tests/qemu-iotests/iotests.py | 10 +++++++++-
  2 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/python/qemu/machine.py b/python/qemu/machine.py
index 12752142c9..d6142271c2 100644
--- a/python/qemu/machine.py
+++ b/python/qemu/machine.py
@@ -409,6 +409,9 @@ def _launch(self) -> None:
+        if 'gdbserver' in self._wrapper:
+            self._qmp_timer = None

Why doesn’t __init__() evaluate this?  This here doesn’t feel like the right place for it.  If we want to evaluate it here, self._qmp_timer shouldn’t exist, and instead the timeout should be a _post_launch() parameter.  (Which I would have nothing against, by the way.)

Uhm.. I got another comment in a previous version where for the "event" callbacks it was better a property than passing around a parameter. Which I honestly agree.

I think that comment was in the sense of providing a default value, which can be expressed by having a property that is set in __init__.

My comment was along the lines that "_post_launch()" is behaving as an event loop hook and not the sort of thing I want to pass parameters to. It's a private method, so the only possibility for someone passing a parameter to is another class method anyway.

We have a hierarchy of things that depend on the Machine class and I didn't want to start cascading optional parameters into the subclasses.

It was my intent that the information needed to run _post_launch() correctly should be known by the state of the object -- which I think should be true anyway.

I don’t have anything against making this a property, but I also don’t have anything against making it a _post_launch() parameter.  I could even live with both, i.e. set _qmp_timer to 15 in __init__, then have a _post_launch parameter, and pass either self._qmp_timer or None if self._wrapper includes 'gdbserver'.

What I do mind is that I don’t understand why the property is modified here.  The value of self._qmp_timer is supposed to be 15 by default and None if self._wrapper includes 'gdbserver'.  It should thus be changed to None the moment self._wrapper is made to include 'gdbserver'. Because self._wrapper is set only in __init__, this should happen in __init__.

What should __init__() do? The check here is to see if the invocation has gdb (and a couple of patches ahead also valgrind), to remove the timer.
If I understand what you mean, you want something like
def __init__(self, timer):

Oh, no.  We can optionally do that perhaps later, but what I meant is just to put this in __init__() (without adding any parameters to it):

self._qmp_timer = 15.0 if 'gdbserver' not in self._wrapper else None

I think self._qmp_timer should always reflect what timeout we are going to use when a VM is launched.  So if the conditions influencing the timeout change, it should be updated immediately to reflect this.  The only condition we have right now is the content of self._wrapper, which is only set in __init__, so self._qmp_timer should be set once in __init__ and not changed afterwards.

That sounds academic, but imagine what would happen if we had a set_qmp_timer() method: The timout could be adjusted, but launch() would just ignore it and update the property, even though the conditions influencing the timout didn’t change between set_qmp_timer() and launch().

Or if we had a get_qmp_timer(); a caller would read a timeout of 15.0 before launch(), even though the timeout is going to be None.

Therefore, I think a property should not be updated just before it is read, but instead when any condition that’s supposed to influence its value changes.

I agree with Max's reasoning here.

I am also not a fan of squishing magic into this class; changing class behavior based on introspection of wrapper arguments feels like a layering violation.

Maybe what you want is a subclass or a wrapper class that knows how to run QEMU using gdbserver, and changes some behaviors accordingly?

The factoring of Machine is quite bad already, admittedly, and is in need of a good spit-shine. Too many init parameters, too many state variables, too many methods that got patched in to support one specific use-case at one point or another. At a certain point, I begin to worry about how it's possible to audit how all of these one-off features behave and interact. It's getting complex.

Is it time to dream up a refactoring for how the Machine class behaves?

I suggested making it a parameter because updating a property when reading it sounds like it should be a parameter instead.  I.e., one would say

def __init__():
     self._qmp_timeout_default = 15.0

def post_launch(qmp_timeout):

def launch(self):
     qmp_timeout = None if 'gdbserver' in self._wrapper \
                        else self._qmp_timout_default

Which is basically the structure your patch has, which gave me the idea.


      def _early_cleanup(self) -> None:
diff --git a/tests/qemu-iotests/iotests.py b/tests/qemu-iotests/iotests.py
index 05d0dc0751..380527245e 100644
--- a/tests/qemu-iotests/iotests.py
+++ b/tests/qemu-iotests/iotests.py


@@ -684,6 +687,11 @@ def qmp_to_opts(self, obj):
              output_list += [key + '=' + obj[key]]
          return ','.join(output_list)
+    def get_qmp_events(self, wait: bool = False) -> List[QMPMessage]:
+        if qemu_gdb:
+            wait = 0.0


Second, I don’t understand this.  If the caller wants to block waiting on an event, then that should have nothing to do with whether we have gdb running or not.  As far as I understand, setting wait to 0.0 is the same as wait = False, i.e. we don’t block and just return None immediately if there is no pending event.

You're right, this might not be needed here. The problem I had was that calling gdb and pausing at a breakpoint or something for a while would make the QMP socket timeout, thus aborting the whole test. In order to avoid that, I need to stop or delay timers.

I can't remember why I added this check here. At some point I am sure the test was failing because of socket timeout expiration, but I cannot reproduce the problem when commenting out this check above in get_qmp_events. The other check in patch 3 should be enough.

Hm, ok.  I’d guessed that you intended the wait=0.0 or wait=False to mean that we get an infinite timeout (i.e., no timeout), but that’s exactly why I didn’t get it.  wait=0.0 doesn’t give an infinite timeout, but instead basically times out immediately.


Well, I suppose if we don't need it, then that makes things easier too :)

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