On 4/11/21 10:09 PM, Cleber Rosa wrote:
At this time I don't have a need for it in the PyPI upload, but I
wonder if this exception is justified.  I mean, what would be gained,
besides dealing with the exception itself, by not including it?

I just don't want to support or maintain little one-off misc utilities and things, but also don't wish to impose a larger design burden on you to integrate it in a more holistic and subjectively pleasant way.

Having a misc/utils package where we just stick "kinda-sorta" stuff but never intend to ship or support is a useful middle ground. It's for your benefit so that we don't have to agonize about the interfaces, but still create common code that the rest of the QEMU tree can use.

Even shipping 0.x stuff, releasing it onto PyPI imposes quite a design burden. At least within the QEMU tree I can see who is using which interfaces and how and avoid breakage. Once we pull that lever ... we won't have that benefit anymore.


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