On 21.06.21 17:51, Vivek Goyal wrote:
On Mon, Jun 21, 2021 at 11:02:16AM +0200, Max Reitz wrote:
On 18.06.21 20:29, Vivek Goyal wrote:


What am I not able to understand is that why we can't return error if
we run into a temporary issue and can't generate file handle. What's
that requirement that we need to hide the error and try to cover it
up by some other means.
There is no requirement, it’s just that we need to hide ENOTSUPP errors
anyway (because e.g. some submounted filesystem may not support file
handles), so I considered hiding temporary errors
ENOTSUPP is not a temporary error I guess. But this is a good point that
if host filesystem does not support file handles, should we return
error so that user is forced to remove "-o inode_file_handles" option.

I can see multiple modes and they all seem to be useful in different

A. Do not use file handles at all.

B. Use file handles if filesystem supports it. Also this could do some
    kind of mix and matching so that some inodes use file handles while
    others use fd. We could think of implementing some threshold and
    if open fds go above this threshold, switch to file handle stuff.

C. Strictly use file handles otherwise return error to caller.

One possibility is that we implement two options inode_file_handles
and no_inode_file_handles.

- User specified -o no_inode_file_handles, implement A.
- User specified -o inode_file_handles, implement C.
- User did not specify anything, then use file handles opportunistically
   as seen fit by daemon. This provides us the maximum flexibility and
   this practically implements option B.

IOW, if user did not specify anything, then we can think of implementing
file handles by default and fallback to using O_PATH fds if filesystem
does not support file handles (ENOTSUPP). But if user did specify
"-o no_inode_file_handles" or "-o inode_file_handles", this kind
of points to strictly implementing respective policy, IMHO. That's how
I have implemented some other options.

Alternatively, we could think of adding one more option say

- "-o no_inode_files_handles" implements A.
- "-o inode_files_handles" implements B.
- "-o inode_files_handles_only" implements C.
- If user did not specify anything on command line, then its up to the
   daemon whatever default policy it wants and default can change
   over time.

I think it makes sense not to punish the user for wanting to use file handles as much as possible and still gracefully handling submounts that don’t support them.  So I’d want to implement B first, and have that be -o inode_files_handles.  I think A as -o no_inode_file_handles is also there, automatically...?

I don’t think there’s much of a problem with implementing C, except we probably want to log ENOTSUPP errors then, so the user can figure out what’s going on.  I feel like we can still wait with such an option until there’s a demand for it.

(Except that perhaps the demand would come in the form of “please help I use -o inode_file_handles but virtiofsd’s FD count is still too high I don’t know what to do”, and that probably wouldn’t be so great.  But then again, inodes_files_handles_only wouldn’t help a user in that case either, because it changes “works badly” to “doesn’t work at all”.  Now I’m wondering what the actual use case of inodes_files_handles_only would be.)

not to really add
complexity.  (Which is true, as can be seen from the diff stat I posted
below: Dropping the second hash table and making the handle part of lo_key,
so that temporary errors are now fatal, generates a diff of +37/-66, where
-20 are just two comments (which realistically I’d need to replace by
different comments), so in terms of code, it’s +37/-46.)

I’d just rather handle errors gracefully when I find it doesn’t really cost

However, you made a good point in that we must require name_to_handle_at()
to work if it worked before for some inode, not because it would be simpler,
but because it would be wrong otherwise.

As for the other way around...  Well, now I don’t have a strong opinion on
it.  Handling temporary name_to_handle_at() failure after it worked the
first time should not add extra complexity, but it wouldn’t be symmetric.
Like, allowing temporary failure sometimes but not at other times.
Right. If we decided that we need to generate file handle for an inode
and underlying filesystem supports file handles, then handling temporary
failures only sometimes will make it assymetric. At this point of time
I am more inclined to return error to caller on temporary failures. But
if this does not work well in practice, I am open to change the policy.

The next question is, how do we detect temporary failure, because if we look
up some new inode, name_to_handle_at() fails, we ignore it, and then it
starts to work and we fail all further lookups, that’s not good.  We should
have the first lookup fail.  I suppose ENOTSUPP means “OK to ignore”, and
for everything else we should let lookup fail?
ENOTSUPP will be a permanent failure right? And not a temporary one.

I sure hope so.  The man page says “The filesystem does not support decoding of a pathname to a file handle.”, which sounds pretty permanent, unless perhaps the filesystem driver is updated in-place.

It seems reasonable that we gracefully fall back to O_PATH fd in case
of ENOTSUPP (Assuming -o inode_file_handles means try to use file
handles and fallback to O_PATH fds if host filesystem does not
support it).

But for temporary failures we probably will have to return errors to callers.
Do you have a specific temporary failure in mind which you are concerned

Oh, no.  It’s just, there can be errors other than EOPNOTSUPP (now that I looked into the man page I know that’s what it actually is), and we have to decide what to do then.  Nothing more.

(And that pretty much
answers my "what if name_to_handle_at() works the first time, but then
fails" question.  If we let anything but ENOTSUPP let the lookup fail, then
we should do so every time.)
Agreed. ENOTSUPP seems to be the only error when falling back to O_PATH
fd makes most sense to me. Rest of them probably should be propagated
to caller.

Perhaps also EOVERFLOW, which indicates that our file handle storage is too small.  This shouldn’t happen, given that we use MAX_HANDLE_SZ to size it, but I imagine it’s possible that MAX_HANDLE_SZ is increased in the future, and when you then compile virtiofsd on one system and run it on another, it’s possible that some filesystem driver wants to store larger handles.  Given that we expect a file handle to always be the same for a given inode, such an EOVERFLOW error should be permanent, too (for a given inode).

And given ENOTSUPP is a permanent failure, you probably will be able
to add fhandle to lo_key and not require a separate mapping which
looks up inode by fhandle.

Sure, but again, this doesn’t make anything simpler.

What I particularly don’t like about this is that for doing so, we have a choice between (A) adding fhandle to lo_key inline (i.e. of type lo_fhandle), or (B) adding it as a pointer (i.e. of type lo_fhandle *).

(A) seems the more obvious solution, but then lo_inode.fhandle would either not exist (one would have to go through lo_inode.key.fhandle, which I don’t really like), or be a pointer to &lo_inode.key.fhandle, which is also kind of weird.  Also, if there is no file handle, it would need to be explicitly 0, which wastes memory when not using -o inode_file_handles (and cycles, because hashing and comparing will take longer).

So (B) would do it the other way around, lo_inode.key.fhandle would be a copy of lo_inode.fhandle.  But having a pointer be part of a key is, while perfectly feasible, again strange.

I find two hash maps to just be cleaner.


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