On Fri, Aug 6, 2021 at 12:28 AM John Snow <js...@redhat.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Jul 30, 2021 at 4:19 PM G S Niteesh Babu <niteesh...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Added a draft of AQMP TUI.
>> Implements the follwing basic features:
>> 1) Command transmission/reception.
>> 2) Shows events asynchronously.
>> 3) Shows server status in the bottom status bar.
>> Also added necessary pylint, mypy configurations
>> Signed-off-by: G S Niteesh Babu <niteesh...@gmail.com>
>> ---
>>  python/qemu/aqmp/aqmp_tui.py | 333 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>>  python/setup.cfg             |  16 +-
>>  2 files changed, 348 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
>>  create mode 100644 python/qemu/aqmp/aqmp_tui.py
>> diff --git a/python/qemu/aqmp/aqmp_tui.py b/python/qemu/aqmp/aqmp_tui.py
>> new file mode 100644
>> index 0000000000..ec9eba0aa7
>> --- /dev/null
>> +++ b/python/qemu/aqmp/aqmp_tui.py
>> @@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
>> +# Copyright (c) 2021
>> +#
>> +# Authors:
>> +#  Niteesh Babu G S <niteesh...@gmail.com>
>> +#
>> +# This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2 or
>> +# later.  See the COPYING file in the top-level directory.
>> +
>> +import argparse
>> +import asyncio
>> +import logging
>> +from logging import Handler
>> +import signal
>> +
>> +import urwid
>> +import urwid_readline
>> +
>> +from ..qmp import QEMUMonitorProtocol, QMPBadPortError
>> +from .message import DeserializationError, Message, UnexpectedTypeError
>> +from .protocol import ConnectError
>> +from .qmp_client import ExecInterruptedError, QMPClient
>> +from .util import create_task, pretty_traceback
>> +
>> +
> This line still feels kind of "naked" on a cold read. It could use a small
> comment.

>> +
>> +# Using root logger to enable all loggers under qemu and asyncio
>> +LOGGER = logging.getLogger()
> The comment isn't quite true; this is the root logger -- but you go on to
> use it to directly log messages. I don't think you should; use a
> module-level logger.
> (1) Create a module-level logger that is named after the current module
> name (e.g. qemu.aqmp.aqmp_tui) and use that for logging messages relating
> to this module:
> LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
> (2) Where you need to address the root logger, just use `root_logger =
> logging.getLogger() ` .... I think the main() function is the only place
> you might need this.
The way of logging in the TUI is changed such that, all logging is done
through the root level logger. The handlers and levels are installed to the
root level
logger to allow logging from other libraries to be rerouted to the screen
or file.

>> +
>> +
>> +def format_json(msg):
>> +    """
>> +    Formats given multiline JSON message into a single line message.
>> +    Converting into single line is more asthetically pleasing when
>> looking
>> +    along with error messages compared to multiline JSON.
>> +    """
>> +    # FIXME: Use better formatting mechanism. Might break at more
>> complex JSON
>> +    # data.
>> +    msg = msg.replace('\n', '')
>> +    words = msg.split(' ')
>> +    words = [word for word in words if word != '']
>> +    return ' '.join(words)
>> +
> You can use the JSON module to do this,
> https://docs.python.org/3/library/json.html#json.dumps
> Message._serialize uses this technique to send JSON messages over the wire
> that have no newlines:
> https://gitlab.com/jsnow/qemu/-/blob/python-async-qmp-aqmp/python/qemu/aqmp/message.py#L132
> by not specifying an indent and including separators with no spaces, we
> can get a JSON representation with all the space squeezed out. You can add
> spaces and still omit the indent/newlines and so on.
But will this work for invalid JSON messages? As far as I have tried it
doesn't work.

>> +
>> +class App(QMPClient):
>> +    def __init__(self, address):
>> +        urwid.register_signal(type(self), UPDATE_MSG)
> I found some hidden documentation about this -- I was struggling to find
> it before:
> https://github.com/urwid/urwid/blob/master/urwid/signals.py#L62
> So the first argument is meant to be "The class of an object sending the
> signal". Alright. And it looks like we only emit from add_to_history and in
> _send_to_server, so I guess that checks out!
> One thing I am noticing is that these signals are global and not
> per-instance, so if for some reason we ever create a second App I wonder if
> the __init__ method here will explode ... Well, it's probably not too
> important right now.
>> +        self.window = Window(self)
>> +        self.address = address
>> +        self.aloop = None
>> +        super().__init__()
>> +
>> +    def add_to_history(self, msg):
>> +        urwid.emit_signal(self, UPDATE_MSG, msg)
>> +
>> +    def _cb_outbound(self, msg):
>> +        # FIXME: I think the ideal way to omit these messages during
>> in-TUI
>> +        # logging will be to add a filter to the logger. We can use
>> regex to
>> +        # filter out messages starting with 'Request:' or 'Response:'
>> but I
>> +        # think a better approach will be encapsulate the message in an
>> object
>> +        # and filter based on the object. Encapsulation of the message
>> will
>> +        # also be necessary when we want different formatting of messages
>> +        # inside TUI.
> +        handler = LOGGER.handlers[0]
>> +        if not isinstance(handler, TUILogHandler):
>> +            LOGGER.debug('Request: %s', str(msg))
>> +        self.add_to_history('<-- ' + str(msg))
>> +        return msg
>> +
>> +    def _cb_inbound(self, msg):
>> +        handler = LOGGER.handlers[0]
>> +        if not isinstance(handler, TUILogHandler):
>> +            LOGGER.debug('Response: %s', str(msg))
>> +        self.add_to_history('--> ' + str(msg))
>> +        return msg
>> +
>> +    async def wait_for_events(self):
>> +        async for event in self.events:
>> +            self.handle_event(event)
>> +
> Can handle_event be moved here so that related functions are somewhat near
> each other?

>> +    async def _send_to_server(self, raw_msg):
>> +        # FIXME: Format the raw_msg in history view to one line. It is
>> not
>> +        # pleasing to see multiple lines JSON object with an error
>> statement.
>> +        try:
>> +            msg = Message(bytes(raw_msg, encoding='utf-8'))
>> +            # Format multiline json into a single line JSON, since it is
>> more
>> +            # pleasing to look along with err message in TUI.
>> +            raw_msg = self.format_json(raw_msg)
>> +            await self._raw(msg, assign_id='id' not in msg)
>> +        except (ValueError, TypeError) as err:
>> +            LOGGER.info('Invalid message: %s', str(err))
>> +            self.add_to_history(f'{raw_msg}: {err}')
>> +        except (DeserializationError, UnexpectedTypeError) as err:
>> +            LOGGER.info('Invalid message: %s', err.error_message)
>> +            self.add_to_history(f'{raw_msg}: {err.error_message}')
>> +        except ExecInterruptedError:
>> +            LOGGER.info('Error server disconnected before reply')
>> +            urwid.emit_signal(self, UPDATE_MSG,
>> +                              '{"error": "Server disconnected before
>> reply"}')
>> +            self._set_status("Server disconnected")
>> +        except Exception as err:
>> +            LOGGER.error('Exception from _send_to_server: %s', str(err))
>> +            raise err
>> +
>> +    def cb_send_to_server(self, msg):
>> +        create_task(self._send_to_server(msg))
>> +
>> +    def unhandled_input(self, key):
>> +        if key == 'esc':
>> +            self.kill_app()
>> +
>> +    def kill_app(self):
>> +        # TODO: Work on the disconnect logic
>> +        create_task(self._kill_app())
>> +
> That logic needs to be here -- each commit needs to make sense by itself.
> If you've improved the connection logic, it needs to be merged into this
> commit.
Through this to-do, I meant to add the connection manager. I'll remove this
TODO since it's kind of misleading.

>> +    async def _kill_app(self):
>> +        # It is ok to call disconnect even in disconnect state
>> +        try:
>> +            await self.disconnect()
>> +            LOGGER.debug('Disconnect finished. Exiting app')
>> +        except Exception as err:
>> +            LOGGER.info('_kill_app: %s', str(err))
>> +            # Let the app crash after providing a proper stack trace
>> +            raise err
>> +        raise urwid.ExitMainLoop()
>> +
>> +    def handle_event(self, event):
>> +        # FIXME: Consider all states present in qapi/run-state.json
>> +        if event['event'] == 'SHUTDOWN':
>> +            self._set_status('Server shutdown')
>> +
> This is an odd function to me because it will *overwrite* the status bar
> with this event, but surely shortly thereafter we're going to see a
> disconnection event from the transport itself, so this message will go away
> almost immediately, won't it?
It won't be overwritten in this patch. Once the server
shutdown/disconnects, the generated SHUTDOWN event is handled to update the
status bar and the library internally calls disconnect and that's it.
Only in the later patches do we decide whether to reconnect or not
that's when there is a chance of overwriting. But in this patch,
overwriting won't occur.

> I understand that connection management stuff is improved in later
> patches, but the initial patch here would be better served not having a
> partial and incorrect implementation. You can just remove features that you
> intend to "build out" in later commits. And if we remove this, then we
> don't need wait_for_events() either, and they can be re-added in a later
> commit when they're given a more full, proper treatment.
>> +    def _set_status(self, msg: str) -> None:
>> +        self.window.footer.set_text(msg)
>> +
>> +    def _get_formatted_address(self) -> str:
>> +        addr = f'{self.address}'
>> +        if isinstance(self.address, tuple):
>> +            host, port = self.address
>> +            addr = f'{host}:{port}'
>> +        return addr
> Don't format addr twice in the TCP case -- make sure it formats it once.
> It won't matter much for performance in something like Python, but it's
> misleading when reading it.

> +
>> +    async def connect_server(self):
>> +        try:
>> +            await self.connect(self.address)
>> +            addr = self._get_formatted_address()
>> +            self._set_status(f'Connected to {addr}')
>> +        except ConnectError as err:
>> +            LOGGER.info('connect_server: ConnectError %s', str(err))
>> +            self._set_status('Server shutdown')
> A failure to connect doesn't necessary mean the server was shut down.
It now shows [ConnectError: <Short description>] eg: [ConnectError: Failed
to establish connection].

>> +
> I suspect this is changed in later commits in this series, but you should
> probably set the footer to something before we potentially hang on
> connect() and do a whole lot of nothing. LIke other critiques about
> unfinished interfaces, once you've implemented them, they should be worked
> into this patch so that each commit makes sense by itself. Reviewers will
> have to read these patches and make sense of them. If they have to flip
> through your entire series to understand what it will eventually look like,
> it's a lot more work and you're less likely to get good or helpful reviews.
>> +    def run(self, debug=False):
>> +        self.aloop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
>> +        self.aloop.set_debug(debug)
>> +
>> +        # Gracefully handle SIGTERM and SIGINT signals
>> +        cancel_signals = [signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIGINT]
>> +        for sig in cancel_signals:
>> +            self.aloop.add_signal_handler(sig, self.kill_app)
>> +
>> +        event_loop = urwid.AsyncioEventLoop(loop=self.aloop)
>> +        main_loop = urwid.MainLoop(urwid.AttrMap(self.window,
>> 'background'),
>> +                                   unhandled_input=self.unhandled_input,
>> +                                   handle_mouse=True,
>> +                                   event_loop=event_loop)
>> +
>> +        create_task(self.wait_for_events(), self.aloop)
>> +        create_task(self.connect_server(), self.aloop)
>> +        try:
>> +            main_loop.run()
>> +        except Exception as err:
>> +            LOGGER.error('%s\n%s\n', str(err), pretty_traceback())
>> +            raise err
>> +
>> +
>> +class StatusBar(urwid.Text):
>> +    """
>> +    A simple Text widget that currently only shows connection status.
>> +    """
>> +    def __init__(self, text=''):
>> +        super().__init__(text, align='right')
>> +
>> +
>> +class Editor(urwid_readline.ReadlineEdit):
>> +    """
>> +    Support urwid_readline features along with
>> +    history support which lacks in urwid_readline
>> +    """
>> +    def __init__(self, master):
>> +        super().__init__(caption='> ', multiline=True)
>> +        self.master = master
>> +        self.history = []
>> +        self.last_index = -1
>> +        self.show_history = False
>> +
>> +    def keypress(self, size, key):
>> +        # TODO: Add some logic for down key and clean up logic if
>> possible.
>> +        # Returning None means the key has been handled by this widget
>> +        # which otherwise is propogated to the parent widget to be
>> +        # handled
>> +        msg = self.get_edit_text()
>> +        if key == 'up' and not msg:
>> +            # Show the history when 'up arrow' is pressed with no input
>> text.
>> +            # NOTE: The show_history logic is necessary because in
>> 'multiline'
>> +            # mode (which we use) 'up arrow' is used to move between
>> lines.
>> +            self.show_history = True
>> +            last_msg = self.history[self.last_index] if self.history
>> else ''
>> +            self.set_edit_text(last_msg)
>> +            self.edit_pos = len(last_msg)
>> +            self.last_index += 1
>> +        elif key == 'up' and self.show_history:
>> +            if self.last_index < len(self.history):
>> +                self.set_edit_text(self.history[self.last_index])
>> +                self.edit_pos = len(self.history[self.last_index])
>> +                self.last_index += 1
>> +        elif key == 'meta enter':
>> +            # When using multiline, enter inserts a new line into the
>> editor
>> +            # send the input to the server on alt + enter
>> +            self.master.cb_send_to_server(msg)
>> +            self.history.insert(0, msg)
>> +            self.set_edit_text('')
>> +            self.last_index = 0
>> +            self.show_history = False
>> +        else:
>> +            self.show_history = False
>> +            self.last_index = 0
>> +            return super().keypress(size, key)
>> +        return None
>> +
>> +
>> +class EditorWidget(urwid.Filler):
>> +    """
>> +    Wraps CustomEdit
>> +    """
>> +    def __init__(self, master):
>> +        super().__init__(Editor(master), valign='top')
>> +
>> +
>> +class HistoryBox(urwid.ListBox):
>> +    """
>> +    Shows all the QMP message transmitted/received
>> +    """
>> +    def __init__(self, master):
>> +        self.master = master
>> +        self.history = urwid.SimpleFocusListWalker([])
>> +        super().__init__(self.history)
>> +
>> +    def add_to_history(self, history):
>> +        self.history.append(urwid.Text(history))
>> +        if self.history:
>> +            self.history.set_focus(len(self.history) - 1)
>> +
>> +
>> +class HistoryWindow(urwid.Frame):
>> +    """
>> +    Composes the HistoryBox and EditorWidget
>> +    """
>> +    def __init__(self, master):
>> +        self.master = master
>> +        self.editor_widget = EditorWidget(master)
>> +        self.editor = urwid.LineBox(self.editor_widget)
>> +        self.history = HistoryBox(master)
>> +        self.body = urwid.Pile([('weight', 80, self.history),
>> +                                ('weight', 20, self.editor)])
>> +        super().__init__(self.body)
>> +        urwid.connect_signal(self.master, UPDATE_MSG,
>> self.cb_add_to_history)
>> +
>> +    def cb_add_to_history(self, msg):
>> +        self.history.add_to_history(msg)
>> +
>> +
>> +class Window(urwid.Frame):
>> +    """
>> +    This is going to be the main window that is going to compose other
>> +    windows. In this stage it is unnecesssary but will be necessary in
>> +    future when we will have multiple windows and want to the switch
>> between
>> +    them and display overlays
>> +    """
>> +    def __init__(self, master):
>> +        self.master = master
>> +        footer = StatusBar()
>> +        body = HistoryWindow(master)
>> +        super().__init__(body, footer=footer)
>> +
>> +
>> +class TUILogHandler(Handler):
>> +    def __init__(self, tui):
>> +        super().__init__()
>> +        self.tui = tui
>> +
>> +    def emit(self, record):
>> +        level = record.levelname
>> +        msg = record.getMessage()
>> +        msg = f'[{level}]: {msg}'
>> +        self.tui.add_to_history(msg)
>> +
>> +
>> +def main():
>> +    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='AQMP TUI')
>> +    parser.add_argument('qmp_server', help='Address of the QMP server'
>> +                        '< UNIX socket path | TCP addr:port >')
>> +    parser.add_argument('--log-file', help='The Log file name')
>> +    parser.add_argument('--log-level', default='WARNING',
>> +                        help='Log level
>> +    parser.add_argument('--asyncio-debug', action='store_true',
>> +                        help='Enable debug mode for asyncio loop'
>> +                        'Generates lot of output, makes TUI unusable
>> when'
>> +                        'logs are logged in the TUI itself.'
>> +                        'Use only when logging to a file')
> Needs spaces between the lines here so that the output reads correctly.
The output renders properly for me. Can you please post a pic if it doesn't
render correctly for you?

>> +    args = parser.parse_args()
>> +
>> +    try:
>> +        address = QEMUMonitorProtocol.parse_address(args.qmp_server)
>> +    except QMPBadPortError as err:
>> +        parser.error(err)
>> +
>> +    app = App(address)
>> +
>> +    if args.log_file:
>> +        LOGGER.addHandler(logging.FileHandler(args.log_file))
>> +    else:
>> +        LOGGER.addHandler(TUILogHandler(app))
>> +
>> +    log_level = logging.getLevelName(args.log_level)
>> +    # getLevelName returns 'Level {log_level}' when a invalid level is
>> passed.
>> +    if log_level == f'Level {args.log_level}':
>> +        parser.error('Invalid log level')
>> +    LOGGER.setLevel(log_level)
>> +
> I think you could do:
> LOGGER.setLevel(logging.getLevelName(args.log_level))
> And it'll fail if the level was unknown, but work otherwise. This would
> avoid a kind of precarious string-comparison check, which I worry is
> fragile.

>> +    app.run(args.asyncio_debug)
>> +
>> +
>> +if __name__ == '__main__':
>> +    main()  # type: ignore
>> diff --git a/python/setup.cfg b/python/setup.cfg
>> index d106a0ed7a..50f9894468 100644
>> --- a/python/setup.cfg
>> +++ b/python/setup.cfg
>> @@ -81,8 +81,22 @@ namespace_packages = True
>>  # fusepy has no type stubs:
>>  allow_subclassing_any = True
>> +[mypy-qemu.aqmp.aqmp_tui]
>> +disallow_untyped_defs = False
>> +disallow_incomplete_defs = False
>> +check_untyped_defs = False
>> +# urwid and urwid_readline have no type stubs:
>> +allow_subclassing_any = True
>> +
>> +# The following missing import directives are because these libraries do
>> not
>> +# provide type stubs. Allow them on an as-needed basis for mypy.
>>  [mypy-fuse]
>> -# fusepy has no type stubs:
>> +ignore_missing_imports = True
>> +
>> +[mypy-urwid]
>> +ignore_missing_imports = True
>> +
>> +[mypy-urwid_readline]
>>  ignore_missing_imports = True
>>  [pylint.messages control]
>> --
>> 2.17.1
> I have some more thoughts, but need to research them and wanted to give
> some feedback first so you weren't waiting.
Thanks for the feedback.

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