
> I decided to bisect the merge in order to identify the commit that causes the 
> issue - and much to my surprise, it is this particular commit:
> https://github.com/qemu/qemu/commit/bbd8323d3196c9979385cba1b8b38859836e63c3

Hmm, that is rather strange indeed.

> Given this doesn't seem to be anything more than a relocation of
> declarations (and I don't even use any of these types directly in my
> code), this would seem to suggest an internal issue in linking or
> memory initialization. I'm happy to assist in debugging this where I
> can but I'm hoping someone more knowledgeable about the QEMU USB
> innards might be able to point me to an area to start digging since
> the change seems entirely orthogonal to the actual problem and could
> be just about anywhere.

Try run qemu with valgrind to see if there is any memory corruption?

> I've been told this problem is not unique to my own development setup,
> and a cursory investigation reveals one of the symptoms is a
> divergence in the size of the incoming USB packets.

Is this reproducable on master branch somehow?

> (I'm hoping to set
> up a more detailed packet capture when I have more spare time this
> weekend).

Oh, that is easy, all usb devices have a pcap=<file> property to write
out traces which you can then open in wireshark.


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