On 24-08-2021 11:37, Kevin Wolf wrote:
[ Cc: qemu-block ]

Am 11.08.2021 um 13:36 hat Christopher Pereira geschrieben:

I'm reading a directory with 5.000.000 files (2,4 GB) inside a guest using
"find | grep -c".

On the host I saw high write IO (40 MB/s !) during over 1 hour using

I later repeated the read-only operation inside the guest and no additional
data was written on the host. The operation took only some seconds.

I believe QEMU was creating some kind of cache or metadata map the first
time I accessed the inodes.
No, at least in theory, QEMU shouldn't allocate anything when you're
just reading.
Are you sure that this isn't activity coming from your guest OS?

Yes. iotop was showing only read IOs on the guest, and on the host iotop and virt-top where showing strong write IOs for hours. Stopping the "find" command on the guest also stopped the write IOs on the host.

But I wonder why the cache or metadata map wasn't available the first time
and why QEMU had to recreate it?

The VM has "compressed base <- snap 1" and base was converted without

Is it because we created the base using convert without metadata prealloc
and so the metadata map got lost?

I will do some experiments soon using convert + metadata prealloc and
probably find out myself, but I will happy to read your comments and gain
some additional insights.
If it the problem persists, I would try again without compression.
What were the results of your experiments? Is the behaviour related to
any of these options?

I will do the experiments and report back.

It's also strange that the second time I repeat the "find" command, I see no more write IOs and it takes only seconds instead of hours.

I was assuming QEMU was creating some kind of map or cache on the snapshot for the content present in the base, but now I got more curious.

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