On Tuesday, 14 September, 2021, 07:00:27 pm IST, P J P <p...@fedoraproject.org> 
>* Thanks so much for restarting this thread. I've been at it intermittently 
>last few
> months, thinking about how could we annotate the source/module objects.
> -> [*] https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/qemu-devel/2020-07/msg04642.html
>* Last time we discussed about having both compile and run time options for 
> to be able to select the qualified objects/backends/devices as desired.
>* To confirm: How/Where is the security policy defined? Is it device/module 
>specific OR QEMU project wide?
>>> it feels like we need
>> 'secure': 'bool'
>* Though we started the (above [*]) discussion with '--security' option in 
>  I wonder if 'secure' annotation is much specific. And if we could widen its 
> scope.
>Source annotations: I've been thinking over following approaches
>1) Segregate the QEMU sources under
>  ../staging/ <= devel/experimental, not for production usage
>  ../src/ <= good for production usage, hence security relevant
>  ../deprecated/ <= Bad for production usage, not security relevant
>  - This is similar to Linux staging drivers' tree.
>  - Staging drivers are not considered for production usage and hence CVE 
> allocation.
>  - At build time by default we only build sources under ../src/ tree.
>  - But we can still have options to build /staging/ and /deprecated/ trees.
>  - It's readily understandable to end users.
>2) pkgconfig(1) way:
>  - If we could define per device/backend a configuration (.pc) file which is 
> then used
>  at build/run time to decide which sources are suitable for the build or 
> usage.
>  - I'm trying to experiment with this.
>3) We annotate QEMU devices/backends/modules with macros which define its 
>  It can then be used at build/run times to decide if it's suitable for usage.
>  For ex:
>  $ cat annotsrc.h
>  #include <inttypes.h>
>  enum SRCSTATUS {
>  DEVEL = 0,
>  };
>* Approach 3) above is similar to the _security_policy_taint() API,
>  but works at the source/object file level, rather than specific 'struct 
> type' field.
>* Does adding a field to struct type (ex. DeviceClass) scale to all 
>objects/modules/backends etc?
>  Does it have any limitations to include/cover other sources/objects?
>* I'd really appreciate your feedback/inputs/suggestions.

  -P J P

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