Am 29.10.2011 05:40, schrieb ronnie sahlberg:
> Hi Kevin,
> I agree that maybe we should have a link from the TOC down to the
> "Device URL Syntax".
> I can create a patch to do so.
> For moving the existing "Device URL Syntax" information into "3.6 Disk
> Images", I am not sure.
> I think both have their place and they serve different purposes even
> if there is some overlap.
> Device URL Syntax:
> This contains a terse description of the syntax on how to specify
> these devices on the command line.
> This is really needed in the manpage.
> Very basic syntax description and an example command line or two.
> Qemu-doc:
> I see as much more detailed documentation than a simple manpage. It
> also includes "howto" type descriptions that show how to set it up
> end-to-end from creating a device image, how to configure a basic NDB
> server, and then how to make it available to QEMU.
> This I think is more a full end-to-end description with howto examples.
> I think it would make sense to have both.
> What do you think?
> If you agree this makes sense I will continue adding terse sections to
> "Device URL Syntax" but also start going through section "3.6" and
> make sure we also have "howto-like" examples on how to set it up on
> the server side as well.
> A section in 3.6 for iscsi could for example show how to create an
> image and export via STGT so that QEMU can access it as an iscsi lun.

Sure, that sounds good. I just had the impression that currently the
"terse" URL syntax description is in fact more extensive than section
3.6 which should be the full documentation.


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