On 11/07/2011 04:23 PM, Markus Armbruster wrote:
1. eject without -f is as you mentioned.

Would implementing the missing part help with the problem at hand?

It would help for non-buggy guests. Buggy means even "echo -1 > /sys/block/sr0/events_poll_msecs".

However, a full solution would require a change in management, and adding a TRAY_STATUS_CHANGED event to QEMU. Not sure this is required for 1.0, as it can even be added later to stable.

2. eject with -f should really never be needed, but it does whatever
is needed to be able to follow up with a "change" command.  It turns
out it is really "unlock" and "ask the guest to eject" combined, but
that's the implementation, not the model.

Physical hardware doesn't work that way (unless I misunderstand it).
Always a warning sign.


The difference from the paperclip model is that it gives a chance for
the OS to clean up and eject safely.  It wouldn't be hard to convince
me otherwise though, especially if it can help getting the patch in
1.0. The "eject -f"+"change" can be replaced by "eject", possibly
followed by "eject -f" after a timeout, and then followed again by

On bare metal, the pressing the tray button accomplishes that: the drive
notifies the OS the button was pressed, the well-behaved OS cleans up
and ejects.  With a misbehaving OS, you're reduced to the paperclip.

Can't we replicate that?

1. Tray button / eject without -f

    A. when the tray is not locked: tray opens immediately.

    B. when the tray is locked: OS gets notified.  We expect it to clean
       up, unlock and open the tray at some point in the near future.

2. Paperclip / eject with -f

    Tray opens immediately.  Guest OS may be unhappy about it.

I now redid my tests with the paperclip behavior (it's really one line of different code) and everything seems to work. Will submit v2.


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