Am 13.11.2011 11:33, schrieb Blue Swirl:
On Sat, Nov 12, 2011 at 14:06, Stefan Weil<>  wrote:
Am 12.11.2011 12:37, schrieb 陳韋任:
Which character fonts did you use for 'Q' and for 'emu'
in QEMU_Mascot_embody_text.svg?
Andalus for 'Q' and Berlin Sans FB for 'emu'.
It might be interesting to try 'emu' rotated by about -60 degree
(in the direction of the egg shaped body).
This direction?

Yes. I played a little with your svg file, replaced the Q bitmap by a Q text
and added colours. The result is in this file:
Emus are not green and red. I'd just use black and white, maybe dark
brown for 'emu' text or light brown to fill the 'Q'.

A new version with light brown filling and stroke colour, dark brown
'emu' text and enlarged vectorized emu head can be inspected on


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