Makes sense,  thanks for the quick reply.
Last question,  the patches can depend on others in the same set right?
IE:  all of the additions to insn-data.def in one, implementations in
separate patches.

- David Miller

On Thu, Mar 3, 2022 at 12:42 PM Richard Henderson <> wrote:

> On 3/3/22 06:50, David Miller wrote:
> >
> >  > Too many changes in one patch.
> >  > You need to split these into smaller, logical units.
> >
> > Can you give some guideline on that?
> > IE: change to two,  the shifts and reversed loads into two patches or
> more on line count
> > of each patch?
> Your best guide is line count: < 50 is ideal, though of course that can't
> always be done.
>   For bug fixes or code reorg you may find yourself constrained by not
> breaking bisection.
> But for new code, like this, one patch per feature is easiest to review.
> In this case
> you've got:
>    - load/store elements reversed,
>    - load/store byte reversed elements,
>    - shift double
>    - string search
>    - modify fp convert
>    - modify shift
> > I wasn't sure if there was a reason MO_TE was used so just kept with the
> existing code flow.
> We have to put some indication of endianness there, and "target" endian
> was the easiest to
> replicate across all targets.  Especially with those that are bi-endian.
> I've just noticed that we haven't propagated this to the integer
> load/store reversed.  I
> presume that code pre-dates the existence of the feature.  But it would be
> good to change
>      C(0xe31f, LRVH,    RXY_a, Z,   0, m2_16u, new, r1_16, rev16, 0)
>      C(0xe31e, LRV,     RXY_a, Z,   0, m2_32u, new, r1_32, rev32, 0)
>      C(0xe30f, LRVG,    RXY_a, Z,   0, m2_64, r1, 0, rev64, 0)
> ...
>      C(0xe33f, STRVH,   RXY_a, Z,   la2, r1_16u, new, m1_16, rev16, 0)
>      C(0xe33e, STRV,    RXY_a, Z,   la2, r1_32u, new, m1_32, rev32, 0)
>      C(0xe32f, STRVG,   RXY_a, Z,   la2, r1_o, new, m1_64, rev64, 0)
> to use little-endian memory ops, rather than separately reversing the
> bytes.
> r~

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