Perhaps you lack a static version of the library.
What do you mean by that? The *.la files? I wasn't aware that there are

I mean lib*.a files. They are needed if you specify static, by definition.
Hmm, this opens a huge Pandora's box for me - in my own distribution (Fedora) the "nss" package (which I have installed) provides /usr/lib64/, but not libssl3.a. "nss-devel" (which I also have installed) provides all the relevant /include files (headers and the like), but there is no libssl3.a there either! There is no package called "nss-devel-static" distributed by Fedora and the only ".a" files produced by compiling the nss source are libcrmf.a libnssb.a and libnssckfw.a - no libssl3.a at all. So, where do I get this?

Also, assuming libssl3 is not the only one, ld will probably complain that there are other ".a" files missing from various other packages which are probably not present in my host machine. If that is the case, this is an absolute nightmare to have to deal with! Where do I get these files? Thanks for your input Paolo.

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