>> That is what I just wrote in my previous post, didn't I? The "die die die" 
>> comments were related to the glib package, not the glib2! Just open 
>> glib.spec and see it for yourself.
> However it looks from Max's list of libraries like the glib2-static package
> contains all the static libraries qemu wants here [both libglib-2.0 and
> libgthread-2.0]so so you don't need to build anything yourself, just install
> that, right?
That's what I am doing now, *but* the strange thing is, I now get build failure 
because of two *new* unpackaged files:


I presume these are destined to be in the -devel package so I'll include them 
there myself. Max is right though - indeed the -static package covers both 
libglib-2.0 and libgthread-2.0, so I am just compiling the source rm at present 
and will update the devel and static packages when it is done. Will let you 
know how it goes.

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