
I don't know at all how to use mingw i tried several days to make cross compile, sometimes under msys2 sometimes under ubuntu or even debian, i saw errors and errors i tried to remove. On Ubuntu i can compile but i have no *.exe at the end, probably a prefix problem but on the wiki page i can't understand...

It says i must use msvc i looked at ubuntu 20 and didn't find it on the hdd, same for debian11. Installation guide seems to be outdated for mingw (perhaps it's me), and at a moment when there is the line to use the prefix i saw "msvc-" must have enter "-gcc" after ? Something like that ?

I asked on the git, stackexchange, forums that use my native language... nothing. I need to understand to use patch, i want to use QEMU on win 10 with a 3d support on w98. Someone made a patch for it, he refuses to help, this option can be forsake, this why i want to understand how to compile by myself QEMU (raw). I successfull dit it for Ubuntu, it was very easy, but for windows 10 ...

My purpose is also to make a tutorial in my language at the end, when i will sure to successfull compile, to help people and promote QEMU for retrogaming with win9x games. I tried probably all the others solutions, it's the best i saw (virtualbox, vmware, pcem, 86box, dosbox-x, Bochs...). It's efficient on a low machine like an old i5 laptop, i played thanks to precompiled packages for windows10, to several 2d games perfectly. Perfect on my i7 4770k. There is 2 things missing for me:
- a 3d support this is why i want patch it.
- Scanlines & shaders effect, for windows 10 i found ShaderGlass.

I know how to program with tools like Visual Studio, Eclipse, but here i'm totally lost and need probably a step by step guide according to the last tools.

Best regards.

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