On Wed, Mar 16, 2022 at 10:23 AM <phan...@zju.edu.cn> wrote:
> Here is a test case for this patch. I used to submit this bug on 
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/qemu/+bug/1906516
> sfence.vma will flush the tlb, so after this instruction, the translation 
> block should be end.
> The following code will only work in single step mode:
> ```
> relocate:
>  li a0, OFFSET
>  la t0, 1f
>  add t0, t0, a0
>  csrw stvec, t0
>  la t0, early_pgtbl
>  srl t0, t0, PAGE_SHIFT
>  li t1, SATP_SV39
>  or t0, t1, t0
>  csrw satp, t0
> 1:
>  sfence.vma
>  la t0, trap_s
>  csrw stvec, t0
>  ret
> ```
> In this code, I want to relocate pc to virtual address with the OFFSET prefix.
> Before writing to satp, pc run at physic address, stvec has been set to label 
> 1
> with a virtual prefix and virtual address has been mapping in early_pgtbl,
> after writing satp, qemu will throw a page fault, and pc will set to virtual
> address of label 1.
> The problem is that, in this situation, the translation block will not end 
> after
> sfence.vma, and stvec will be set to trap_s,
> ```
> ----------------
> IN:
> Priv: 1; Virt: 0
> 0x00000000800000dc: 00a080b3 add ra,ra,a0
> 0x00000000800000e0: 00007297 auipc t0,28672 # 0x800070e0
> 0x00000000800000e4: f2028293 addi t0,t0,-224
> 0x00000000800000e8: 00c2d293 srli t0,t0,12
> 0x00000000800000ec: fff0031b addiw t1,zero,-1
> 0x00000000800000f0: 03f31313 slli t1,t1,63
> 0x00000000800000f4: 005362b3 or t0,t1,t0
> 0x00000000800000f8: 18029073 csrrw zero,satp,t0
> ----------------
> IN:
> Priv: 1; Virt: 0
> 0x00000000800000fc: 12000073 sfence.vma zero,zero
> 0x0000000080000100: 00000297 auipc t0,0 # 0x80000100
> 0x0000000080000104: 1c828293 addi t0,t0,456
> 0x0000000080000108: 10529073 csrrw zero,stvec,t0
> riscv_raise_exception: 12
> riscv_raise_exception: 12
> riscv_raise_exception: 12
> riscv_raise_exception: 12
> ...
> ```
> So, the program will crash. And the program will only work in single step 
> mode:
> ```
> ----------------
> IN:
> Priv: 1; Virt: 0
> 0x00000000800000f8: 18029073 csrrw zero,satp,t0
> ----------------
> IN:
> Priv: 1; Virt: 0
> 0x00000000800000fc: 12000073 sfence.vma zero,zero
> riscv_raise_exception: 12
> ----------------
> IN:
> Priv: 1; Virt: 0
> 0xffffffff800000fc: 12000073 sfence.vma zero,zero
> ----------------
> IN:
> Priv: 1; Virt: 0
> 0xffffffff80000100: 00000297 auipc t0,0 # 0xffffffff80000100
> ```
> The pc will set to label 1, instead of trap_s.

+qemu-dev and Alistair

This is in for-next on Alistair's tree and fails to boot the kernel
with the following error (found -d in_asm mode).
Reverting the patch solves the issue.

Priv: 1; Virt: 0
0x0000000080201040:  18051073          csrrw           zero,satp,a0

Priv: 1; Virt: 0
0x0000000080201044:  Address 0x80201044 is out of bounds.

0x0000000080201049:  Address 0x80201049 is out of bounds.

0x000000008020104e:  Address 0x8020104e is out of bounds.

Disassembler disagrees with translator over instruction decoding
Please report this to qemu-devel@nongnu.org

Priv: 1; Virt: 0
0x0000000080201050:  Address 0x80201050 is out of bounds.

0x0000000080201055:  Address 0x80201055 is out of bounds.

0x000000008020105a:  Address 0x8020105a is out of bounds.

Disassembler disagrees with translator over instruction decoding
Please report this to qemu-devel@nongnu.org

Priv: 1; Virt: 0
0x000000008020105c:  Address 0x8020105c is out of bounds.

Disassembler disagrees with translator over instruction decoding
Please report this to qemu-devel@nongnu.org


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