Currently, Qemu provides an in-built "simple" trace backend which is simple and easy to use (no additional/external dependencies) and allows developers to trace events in Qemu code, however, it suffers from limitations like unability to trace more than 6 elements per trace event, lack of string support, etc. There are various places in Qemu code, where one would want to trace events having multiple arguments including strings. This results into motivation for defining an advanced, yet simple trace format which will address these limitations. For the sake of convinence, let us call this new trace format as simpletrace v2 (any other better name?).

HLD for Simpletrace v2:

This new trace format defines 3 types of structures for trace data organization:

1) Trace Log Header (per log file, provides meta-data about the entire trace log, like trace format version, endianness, etc.)
2) Trace Event Header (per trace event, provides meta-data per trace event)
3) Trace Data (per argument/data in a trace event, provides size of data followed by data itself)

 The Trace Log header can be defined like this:

typedef struct {
uint64_t endian_magic; /* =0xAA0011FF, a magic number helps identifying validity and endian-ness of trace log to its readers */
        uint64_t pid;           /* pid of qemu process can be traced here */
uint64_t version; /* Keeping version info as 3rd 64-bit element as expected by current simpletrace format */
        unit64_t timestamp;     /* timestamp info */
} TraceLogHeader;

Suggestions are invited to make this header more informative as required.

Further, this TraceLogHeader will be followed by 0 or more Trace Event Headers (further followed by trace data) as defined below:

typedef struct {
uint64_t magic; /* =0xA1B2C3D4, ensures a valid trace record, otherwise corrupted */
        unit64_t id;            /* unique identifer per trace event */
        uint64_t timestamp;     /* timestamp info */
uint64_t num_args; /* number of arguments (followed by this TraceEventHeader) traced in this trace event */
} TraceEventHeader;

Trace Data is expected to be stored in following format followed by TraceEventHeader:

typedef struct {
uint64_t size; /* size of data in bytes to be read following this header */
        uint8_t data[0] /* variable sized data */
} TraceData;

So, a typical trace log would look like this:

... |TraceEventHeader-n|TraceData-n1|TraceData-n2|... TraceData-nm|


        typedef struct TraceEvent {
                TraceEventHeader eheader;
                TraceData edata[0];

        typedef struct TraceLog {
                TraceLogHeader lheader;
                TraceEvent levents[0];

I am planning to implement this new trace format soon and therefore would like to have suggestions/feedback at an early date if possible.


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