Hi, I’m writing a simple debugger in assembly code for the Raspberry Pi 3B (in 

I’m using QEMU 7.0.0. Everything is running in EL1. (I have MDE and KDE set in 

I’m coming across Unexpected Behaviour when playing with single-stepping:

It appears that single-stepping is enabled (ie. an exception is generated after 
every instruction) when the SS bit (bit-0) is set in MDSCR_EL1 and debug events 
are enabled in the CPSR (“D” bit clear) *** irrespective of whether the SS bit 
(bit-21) is set in CPSR or not ***.

I thought the SS bit (bit-21) needs to be set in CPSR for single-stepping to 
occur (and that it gets cleared whenever an exception is taken and needs to be 
reset if one wants to single-step again).

Have I misunderstood / misconfigured something, or is this a bug?

Attached is a minimal(ish) example:




**** built with ****

aarch64-elf-as -march=armv8-a+crc+crypto -mcpu=cortex-a53 --gstabs minimal.s -o 
aarch64-elf-ld minimal.o -T memmap -o minimal.elf
aarch64-elf-objcopy -O binary minimal.elf minimal.img
aarch64-elf-objdump -d -j .text minimal.elf > minimal.list

**** memmap is ****

    ram : ORIGIN = 0x80000, LENGTH = 0x80000000

    .init : { *(.init*) } > ram
    .text : { *(.text*) } > ram
    .data : { *(.data*) } > ram
    .bss  : { *(.bss*)  } > ram

**** qemu cmd ****

qemu-7.0.0/build/qemu-system-aarch64 -M raspi3b -kernel minimal.img -serial 
null -serial stdio -s -S

**** gdb cmd ****

/opt/local/gnuaarch64/bin/aarch64-none-elf-gdb -x gdb.cmds minimal.elf

**** gdb.cmds is ****

target remote :1234
set $pc = 0x80000


.section .text

.global _start

    mrs     x0, mpidr_el1               // x0 = 00000000.8000.0000
    and     x0, x0, 0b11
    cbz     x0, 2f                      // branch fwd if core == 0 ...
    wfe                                 // ...  else wait for exception (ie 
    b       1b
//  mrs     x0, scr_el3                 // Can't access this from EL2. But gdb 
says it's 0x0501
                                        // 0000.0101|0000.0001  10:RW=1  
8:HCE=1  0:NS=1

//  mrs     x0, hcr_el2                 // x0 -> 1<<31 (34:E2H=0  31:RW=1  
27:TGE=0  2:C=0  1:M=0)

//  mrs     x0, sctlr_el1               // x0 -> 00c5.0838 = 
    mov     x0, 0x0800                  // -SA -SA0, -CP15BEN -nTWE -nTWI 
+20:RES1 +28:RES1 +29:RES1
    movk    x0, 0x30d0, lsl 16          // x0 -> 30d0.0800 = 
    msr     sctlr_el1, x0

    adr     x0, vectors
    msr     vbar_el1, x0

    adr     x0, _start                  // 0x0008.0000 = 512k
    msr     sp_el1, x0                  // set EL1's SP

    mov     x0, 0x3c5                   // NOTE: bit 21:SS is NOT set
    msr     spsr_el2, x0                // DAIF exceptions masked. A64 state. 
EL1. SP = SP_ELx

    adr     x0, init
    msr     elr_el2, x0

    eret                                // We're in EL2. Pretend we're 
"returning" to EL1 init:

    msr     OSLAR_EL1, xzr              // unlock OS lock

    mov     x0, 0b101<<13               // 15:MDE (enable debugging) and 13:KDE 
(and kernel debug events)
    orr     x0, x0, 0b1<<0              // enable SS debug exceptions
    msr     MDSCR_EL1, x0

    mov     w0, 0                       // these all execute ok
    mov     w0, 1
    b       1f
    mov     w0, -1

    msr     daifclr, 0b1111             // enable all interrupts and debugging 

    mov     w0, 3                       // this causes an exception ESR_EL1 = 
0xce000022 (see ARMv8ARM D1-1801)
    mov     w0, 4                       // 0xce = 0b1100.1110|- >> 26 = 
0b0011.0011 = 0x33 = exception class
                                        // ie. SS from same EL. ** even though 
CPSR was 0x00000005 **
    svc     124

    mov     w0, 5
    b       2f
    mov     w0, -2
    mov     w0, 6

    b       loop


    and     w0, w0, 0xffff
    cmp     w0, 123
    beq     svc_123
    cmp     w0, 124
    beq     svc_124
    b       exception_return            // undefined SVCs ignored

    mrs     x0, SPSR_EL1
    orr     x0, x0, 0b1<<21             // (re)enable SS in CPSR
    msr     SPSR_EL1, x0
    b       exception_return

    mrs     x0, SPSR_EL1
    bic     x0, x0, 0b1<<21             // disable SS in CPSR (not really 
necessary since SS gets
    msr     SPSR_EL1, x0                // cleared when an exception (eg. SVC) 
gets taken anyway)
    b       exception_return

    mrs     x0, elr_el1

    mrs     x0, SPSR_EL1
    bic     x0, x0, 0b1<<21             // (re)enable SS in CPSR
    msr     SPSR_EL1, x0

    b       exception_return

    ldp     x2, x3, [sp], 16
    ldp     x0, x1, [sp], 16

.align 11
// ************************ from current EL using SP_EL0 
v0:                                     // Synchronous
    b       v0
.align 7
v1:                                     // IRQ
    b       v1
.align 7
v2:                                     // FIQ
    b       v2
.align 7
v3:                                     // SError
    b       v3
// ************************ from current EL using SP_EL1+ 
.align 7
v10:                                    // Synchronous (SVC, MMU, DEBUG)
    stp     x0, x1, [sp, -16]!
    stp     x2, x3, [sp, -16]!

    mrs     x0, esr_el1                 // exception syndrome (ARMv8ARM p. 
    mov     w1, w0, lsr 26              // w1 -> exception class

    cmp     w1, 0x15                    // SVC 
    beq     exc_svc

    b       exc_dbg

.align 7
v11:                                    // IRQ
    b       v11
.align 7
v12:                                    // FIQ
    b       v12
.align 7
v13:                                    // SError
    b       v13
// ************************ from lower EL using A64 
.align 7
v20:                                    // Synchronous
    b       v20
.align 7
v21:                                    // IRQ
    b       v21
.align 7
v22:                                    // FIQ
    b       v22
.align 7
v23:                                    // SError
    b       v23


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