On Tue, May 17, 2022 at 03:53:52PM +0200, Paolo Bonzini wrote:
> On 5/16/22 19:38, Raphael Norwitz wrote:
> > [1] Keep using the SCSI translation in QEMU but back vDisks with a
> > vhost-user-scsi or vhost-user-blk backend device.
> > [2] Implement SATA and IDE emulation with vfio-user (likely with an SPDK
> > client?).
> > [3] We've also been looking at your libblkio library. From your
> > description in
> > https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__lists.gnu.org_archive_html_qemu-2Ddevel_2021-2D04_msg06146.html&d=DwICaQ&c=s883GpUCOChKOHiocYtGcg&r=In4gmR1pGzKB8G5p6LUrWqkSMec2L5EtXZow_FZNJZk&m=wBSqcw0cal3wPP87YIKgFgmqMHjGCC3apYf4wCn1SIrX6GW_FR-J9wO68v-cyrpn&s=CP-6ZY-gqgQ2zLAJdR8WVTrMBoqmFHilGvW_qnf2myU&e=
> >    it
> > sounds like it may definitely play a role here, and possibly provide the
> > nessesary abstractions to back I/O from these emulated disks to any
> > backends we may want?
> First of all: have you benchmarked it?  How much time is spent on MMIO vs.
> disk I/O?

Good point - we haven’t benchmarked the emulation, exit and translation
overheads - it is very possible speeding up disk I/O may not have a huge
impact. We would definitely benchmark this before exploring any of the
options seriously, but as you rightly note, performance is not the only
motivation here.

> Of the options above, the most interesting to me is to implement a
> vhost-user-blk/vhost-user-scsi backend in QEMU, similar to the NVMe one,
> that would translate I/O submissions to virtqueue (including polling and the
> like) and could be used with SATA.

We were certainly eyeing [1] as the most viable in the immediate future.
That said, since a vhost-user-blk driver has been added to libblkio, [3]
also sounds like a strong option. Do you see any long term benefit to
translating SATA/IDE submissions to virtqueues in a world where libblkio
is to be adopted?

> For IDE specifically, I'm not sure how much it can be sped up since it has
> only 1 in-flight operation.  I think using KVM coalesced I/O could provide
> an interesting boost (assuming instant or near-instant reply from the
> backend).  If all you're interested in however is not really performance,
> but rather having a single "connection" to your back end, vhost-user is
> certainly an option.

Interesting - I will take a look at KVM coalesced I/O.

You’re totally right though, performance is not our main interest for
these disk types. I should have emphasized offload rather than
acceleration and performance. We would prefer to QA and support as few
data paths as possible, and a vhost-user offload mechanism would allow
us to use the same path for all I/O. I imagine other QEMU users who
offload to backends like SPDK and use SATA/IDE disk types may feel

> Paolo

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