On Mon, Jun 13, 2022 at 2:05 AM Thomas Huth <th...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On 11/06/2022 01.28, John Snow wrote:
> > This test doesn't appear to work for me:
> >
> > def build_image(self, img):
> >      cimg = 
> > self._download_with_cache("https://cloud.centos.org/centos/8/x86_64/images/CentOS-8-GenericCloud-8.3.2011-20201204.2.x86_64.qcow2";)
> >      img_tmp = img + ".tmp"
> >      subprocess.check_call(["ln", "-f", cimg, img_tmp])
> >      self.exec_qemu_img("resize", img_tmp, "50G")
> >      self.boot(img_tmp, extra_args = ["-cdrom", self.gen_cloud_init_iso()])
> >      self.wait_ssh()
> >      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> >
> > It appears to be expecting to be able to use passwordless entry, but
> > that doesn't appear to actually work in this case.
> >
> > It looks like the cloud iso generate step is supposed to handle
> > setting up keys -- and everything appears as if it's working -- but I
> > get SSH timeouts at this step.
> >
> >  From what I can see:
> >
> > DEBUG:root:ssh_cmd: ssh -t -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o
> > UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o ConnectTimeout=1 -p 41729 -i
> > /home/jsnow/src/qemu/bin/git/vm-test-35u779h4.tmp/id_rsa -o
> > SendEnv=https_proxy -o SendEnv=http_proxy -o SendEnv=ftp_proxy -o
> > SendEnv=no_proxy qemu@ exit 0
> > Warning: Permanently added '[]:41729' (ED25519) to the list
> > of known hosts.
> > qemu@ Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic).
> >
> > ...and the /home/jsnow/src/qemu/bin/git/vm-test-35u779h4.tmp/id_rsa
> > file looks identical to the qemu.git/tests/keys/id_rsa file, save for
> > a missing trailing newline.
> >
> >  From a subsequent run, turning SSH debug on, I see this:
> >
> > debug1: Offering public key:
> > /home/jsnow/src/qemu/bin/git/vm-test-o_x2vdwo.tmp/id_rsa RSA
> > SHA256:6TUK9PSgWR+CbTEKA6E9IyizVjt2ZW5ble/Mg4wUiao explicit
> > debug3: send packet: type 50
> > debug2: we sent a publickey packet, wait for reply
> > debug3: receive packet: type 51
> >
> > ... Which looks like the usual kind of bog-standard "Unrecognized key"
> > kind of answer, IIUC.
> >
> > Is this working for anyone else, or can anyone offer some debugging
> > tips on what's gone wrong here?
> It seems to work for me - maybe it's some issue with a newer version of ssh
> on your host? (I'm still using RHEL 8 here).
> Anyway, the VM dies shortly afterwards since it tries to install some
> additional packages, and non-Stream CentOS 8 has been disabled at the end of
> last year. So this test is certainly broken since half a year already and
> nobody noticed until now. I think you can either remove it, or it should get
> updated to CentosStream instead.
>   Thomas

Don't really have the interest to upgrade it myself, so if it's been
broken for half a year, out it goes.


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