
Am 03.01.2012 02:04, schrieb Anthony Liguori:
> On 01/02/2012 07:46 AM, Andreas Färber wrote:
>> Am 02.01.2012 13:09, schrieb Juan Quintela:
>>> First of all, Happy New Year to everybody (even for the people whose
>>> calendar is different O:-)
>> +1
>>> Please send in any agenda items you are interested in covering.
>> QOM: If Anthony is available, I'd be interested in hearing an update on
>> the roadmap. In particular,
> The moons aligned and I ended up with a week before Christmas of no
> meetings so I ended up doing a bunch of QOM conversions.

Does your answering of the proposed topics by email indicate that you're
still on vacation and won't be attending the call? Or will today's call
take place with some topics? :S


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