> Year 2020 I made 2 attempts to contribute this patch. Unfortunately "git
> format-patch" produced crippled patches which were not possible to
> apply. Some @@-lines got extra code that didn't belong in those lines.
> Now I am instead trying to send my patch using sourcehut. Unfortunately,
> it seems as if the patch created by sourcehut is still crippled,

Much to my surprise, it seems as if the patch created and sent by sourcehut
applies cleanly. I falsely thought that it was the source text after the @@
lines that caused the problems, but it turned out that when I sent my first
attempts by mail lines got wrapped by my email client and those wrapped lines
caused the problem.

The patch v2 which 2020 I created manually with git and sent by email got a
nice"singed-off-by" line, the patch v3 created by sourcehut misses that line.

Is the missing signed-off-by line a show stopper? If so, is sourcehut somehow
usable to post patches? If sourcehut is unusable for this purpose I might have
to send the patch as email again, but to avoid lines getting wrapped I will
then post them as attachements instead of the preferred way as inline in the
email text.

regards Henrik

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