On 2023/3/28 11:18, Richard Henderson wrote:
On 3/27/23 19:48, liweiwei wrote:

On 2023/3/28 10:20, LIU Zhiwei wrote:

On 2023/3/27 18:00, Weiwei Li wrote:
Since pointer mask works on effective address, and the xl works on the
generation of effective address, so xl related calculation should be done
before pointer mask.

Incorrect. It has been done.

When updating the pm_mask,  we have already considered the env->xl.

You can see it in riscv_cpu_update_mask

    if (env->xl == MXL_RV32) {
        env->cur_pmmask = mask & UINT32_MAX;
        env->cur_pmbase = base & UINT32_MAX;
    } else {
        env->cur_pmmask = mask;
        env->cur_pmbase = base;

Yeah, I missed this part. Then we should ensure cur_pmmask/base is updated when xl changes.

Is that even possible?  XL can change on priv level changes (SXL, UXL).

I think I have considered this.




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