On Fri, Apr 07, 2023 at 11:47:50AM +0200, David Turner wrote:
> Digging a little further, the top-level meson.build for qemu has the 
> following:
>     if targetos == 'linux'
>       add_project_arguments('-isystem', meson.current_source_dir() /
>     'linux-headers',
>                             '-isystem', 'linux-headers',
>                             language: all_languages)
>     endif
> But this does not carry to the subprojects (and there is nothing equivalent in
> subprojects/libvhost-user/meson.build)/
> If I change the above to use add_global_arguments() instead, compilation
> succeeds.
> I don´t know if this is going to break other things though, but I'd be happy 
> to
> change the patch to do that instead.

Or just add above lines to libvhost-user. That's probably safer.


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