On Wed, 10 May 2023 08:32:12 +0200
Markus Armbruster <arm...@redhat.com> wrote:

> Halil Pasic <pa...@linux.ibm.com> writes:
> > On Mon, 08 May 2023 11:01:55 +0200
> > Cornelia Huck <coh...@redhat.com> wrote:
> >  
> >> On Mon, May 08 2023, Markus Armbruster <arm...@redhat.com> wrote:
> > and we do check for availability and cover that via -ENOSYS.  
> Yes, kvm_s390_flic_realize() checks and sets ->clear_io_supported
> accordingly, and kvm_s390_clear_io_flic() returns -ENOSYS when it's
> false.
> Doc on the actual set:

Right. Sorry for the misinformation.

>   --------------------------------------------
>   :Capability: KVM_CAP_DEVICE_CTRL, KVM_CAP_VM_ATTRIBUTES for vm device,
>                KVM_CAP_VCPU_ATTRIBUTES for vcpu device
>                KVM_CAP_SYS_ATTRIBUTES for system (/dev/kvm) device (no set)
>   :Type: device ioctl, vm ioctl, vcpu ioctl
>   :Parameters: struct kvm_device_attr
>   :Returns: 0 on success, -1 on error
>   Errors:
>     =====   =============================================================
>     ENXIO   The group or attribute is unknown/unsupported for this device
>             or hardware support is missing.
>     EPERM   The attribute cannot (currently) be accessed this way
>             (e.g. read-only attribute, or attribute that only makes
>             sense when the device is in a different state)
>     =====   =============================================================
>     Other error conditions may be defined by individual device types.
>   Gets/sets a specified piece of device configuration and/or state.  The
>   semantics are device-specific.  See individual device documentation in
>   the "devices" directory.  As with ONE_REG, the size of the data
>   transferred is defined by the particular attribute.
>   ::
>     struct kvm_device_attr {
>           __u32       flags;          /* no flags currently defined */
>           __u32       group;          /* device-defined */
>           __u64       attr;           /* group-defined */
>           __u64       addr;           /* userspace address of attr data */
>     };
> kvm_s390_flic_realize() sets ->fd is to refer to the KVM_DEV_TYPE_FLIC
> it creates.  I guess that means ENXIO and EPERM should never happen.

I agree.

> > For KVM_DEV_FLIC_CLEAR_IO_IRQ is just the following error code
> > documented in linux/Documentation/virt/kvm/devices/s390_flic.rst
> > which is to my knowledge the most authoritative source.
> > """
> > .. note:: The KVM_DEV_FLIC_CLEAR_IO_IRQ ioctl will return EINVAL in case a
> >           zero schid is specified
> > """
> > but a look in the code will tell us that -EFAULT is also possible if the
> > supplied address is broken.  
> Common behavior.

Makes sense, just that I did not find it in the interface
> > To sum it up, there is nothing to go wrong with the given operation, and
> > to my best knowledge seeing an error code on the ioctl would either
> > indicate a programming error on the client side (QEMU messed it up) or
> > there is something wrong with the kernel.  
> Abort on "QEMU messed up" is proper.  Abort on "something wrong with the
> kernel" less so.  More on that below.

I think I understand where are you coming from. IMHO it boils down
to how broken the kernel is.

> >> > Is the error condition fatal, i.e. continuing would be unsafe?  
> >
> > If the kernel is broken, probably. It is certainly unexpected.
> >  
> >> >
> >> > If it's a fatal programming error, then abort() is appropriate.
> >> >
> >> > If it's fatal, but not a programming error, we should exit(1) instead.  
> >
> > It might not be a QEMU programming error. I really see no reason why
> > would a combination of a sane QEMU and a sane kernel give us another
> > error code than -ENOSYS.
> >  
> >> >
> >> > If it's a survivable programming error, use of abort() is a matter of
> >> > taste.    
> >
> > The fact that we might have failed to clear up some interrupts which we
> > are obligated to clean up by the s390 architecture is not expected to
> > have grave consequences.   
> Good to know.
> >> From what I remember, this was introduced to clean up a potentially
> >> queued interrupt that is not supposed to be delivered, so the worst
> >> thing that could happen on failure is a spurious interrupt (same as what
> >> could happen if the kernel flic doesn't provide this function in the
> >> first place.) My main worry would be changes/breakages on the kernel
> >> side (while the QEMU side remains unchanged).  
> >
> > Agreed. And I hope anybody changing the kernel would test the new error
> > code and notice the QEMU crashes. This was my intention in the first
> > place.
> >  
> >> So, I think we should continue to log the error in any case; but I don't
> >> have a strong opinion as to whether we should use exit(1) (as I wouldn't
> >> consider it a programming error) or just continue. Halil, your choice :)  
> >
> > Neither do I have a strong opinion. I think a hard crash is easier to
> > spot than a warning message (I mean both in CI and in case of manual
> > testing). But it is a trade-off. Just carrying on without checking error
> > codes is in my opinion not really likely to get us in the pickle either.
> > I don't think the function preformed is essential. Especially not for a
> > Linux guest. For me this is really an 'assert' situation. Is there a
> > QEMU way of dealing with that?  
> My concern is unnecessary hard crashes in production, risking data loss.


> When continuing would be unsafe, we should terminate the process.
> When termination is due to programming error in the program itself, we
> should use abort() to tell the user they need to get developers
> involved, and also to produce a core dump for developers.

So let us  assume we see a -EFAULT in that switch-case. It might be
a broken QEMU or a broken kernel that is the root cause. I guess
we would decide it is QEMU.

> When it's due to programming error outside the program itself, say in
> the kernel, I'd rather exit(1).  Reasonable people can differ in opinion
> there.

How it is better? Wouldn't both abruptly terminate the guest.

> What to do when a programming error is recoverable?
> Developers testing the program may prefer to abort().  Users using the
> program will very much prefer to recover.
> assert() lets you code both behaviors controlled by macro NDEBUG.
> Requires disciplined use of assert().  

Exactly the reason I have said 'assert' situation. But IMHO assert does
not fit because with NDEBUG it does literally nothing and thus remains

> Not the case for QEMU; code
> routinely (and tacitly!) relies on NDEBUG being off.  The consensus
> among QEMU developers is that friends don't let friends compile QEMU
> with NDEBUG.

Can you expand on this? I do understand the words, but I don't
understand the background and the reason why?

> My final argument against aborting on this particular error is local
> consistency.  I see 14 calls of ioctl() in this file.

This file is hw/intc/s390_flic_kvm.c, right? But the lipsticked
abort() is called in hw/s390x/css.c in function css_clear_io_interrupt().

> One handles all errors silently: kvm_s390_flic_realize()'s probe of
> Two complain to stderr and continue: flic_enable_pfault(),
> flic_disable_wait_pfault().  One complains via trace and continues:
> kvm_s390_flic_reset().
> Aside: why the difference?  Also, consider warn_report() or
> info_report() for complaining to stderr, and consider to show
> strerror(errno).
> One reports an error to stderr and fails: kvm_flic_ais_pre_save().
> Okay.
> Aside: I suspect reporting to stderr is wrong, because some of its
> callers use the Error API.  Not this code's fault, the callback you're
> implementing doesn't have an Error ** parameter.
> One sets an Error and fails: kvm_s390_flic_realize().  Okay.
> The remainder return -errno.  I lack the time to follow their call chain
> to examine how failure is handled.  But one of them caught my eye, or
> rather its caller did:
>     static int __get_all_irqs(KVMS390FLICState *flic,
>                               void **buf, int len)
>     {
>         int r;
>         do {
>             /* returns -ENOMEM if buffer is too small and number
>              * of queued interrupts on success */
>             r = flic_get_all_irqs(flic, *buf, len);
>             if (r >= 0) {
>                 break;
>             }
>             len *= 2;
>             *buf = g_try_realloc(*buf, len);
>             if (!buf) {
>                 return -ENOMEM;
>             }
>         } while (r == -ENOMEM && len <= KVM_S390_FLIC_MAX_BUFFER);
>         return r;
>     }
> This treats *all* ioctl() errors as if they were -ENOMEM.  Feels sloppy
> to me.
> Back to my consistency argument.  None of the other ioctl() failures I
> inspected leads to abort().  

I believe a failure of fsc->register_io_adapter() can lead to an abort
in css_register_io_adapters(), as the errp passed in is &error_abort.

> The failures that seem most similar to me
> complain to stderr or trace, then continue.  Shouldn't this one, too?

My intention was to reify the assumption that the member clear_io_irq()
of any implementation of S390FLICStateClass is either telling us that
this operation is not available by returning -ENOSYS, or it should
do the job. This 'if not available return -ENOSYS is to my best knowledge
locally consistent.

The function kvm_s390_clear_io_flic() sits in 
hw/intc/s390_flic_kvm.c handles unexpected errors which as we discussed
are most likely either due to a programming error in QEMU or a programming
error in the kernel by returning the -errno. Which is IMHO locally consistent.

I did not check in detail , but I do agree from remembrance that most most of 
call chains most likely will not lead to an abort on an unexpected failure of 

So in the end I do buy your argument that css_clear_io_interrupt() is
not consistent with its environment. But is the more prevalent practice
actually better? If we indeed ever happened to hit the case in
question, I would prefer to have a dump, and try to figure out
based on that if QEMU messed up, over not having one unless it is at
a cost of an important wrokload. As I have said I have no strong

Just logging a warning and carrying on is from my perspective
also a sane thing to do. I even agree, if this situation were to happen
in a production environment, I would prefer not bringing down the guest.
But on the other hand, that abort() can be seen as a means of reducing
the probability of seeing the situation in production by increasing the
chance to catch the hypothetical bug before it ships. In the end I'm
fine either way. 

In my opinion the best way to deal with such situations would be to
abort() in test/development and log a warning in production. Of course
assert() wouldn't give me that, and it wouldn't be locally consistent at



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