On Fri, Aug 25, 2023 at 12:11 AM Alyssa Ross <h...@alyssa.is> wrote:

> Gurchetan Singh <gurchetansi...@chromium.org> writes:
> > On Wed, Aug 23, 2023 at 4:07 AM Alyssa Ross <h...@alyssa.is> wrote:
> >
> >> Gurchetan Singh <gurchetansi...@chromium.org> writes:
> >>
> >> > - Official "release commits" issued for rutabaga_gfx_ffi,
> >> >   gfxstream, aemu-base.  For example, see crrev.com/c/4778941
> >> >
> >> > - The release commits can make packaging easier, though once
> >> >   again all known users will likely just build from sources
> >> >   anyways
> >>
> >> It's a small thing, but could there be actual tags, rather than just
> >> blessed commits?  It'd just make them easier to find, and save a bit of
> >> time in review for packages.
> >>
> >
> > I added:
> >
> >
> https://crosvm.dev/book/appendix/rutabaga_gfx.html#latest-releases-for-potential-packaging
> >
> > Tags are possible, but I want to clarify the use case before packaging.
> > Where are you thinking of packaging it for (Debian??)? Are you mostly
> > interested in Wayland passthrough (my guess) or gfxstream too?  Depending
> > your use case, we may be able to minimize the work involved.
> Packaging for Nixpkgs (where I already maintain what to my knowledge is
> the only crosvm distro package).  I'm personally mostly interested in
> Wayland passthroug, but I wouldn't be surprised if others are interested
> in gfxstream.  The packaging work is already done, I've just been
> holding off actually pushing the packages waiting for the stable
> releases.
> The reason that tags would be useful is that it allows a reviewer of the
> package to see at a glance that the package is built from a stable
> release.  If it's just built from a commit hash, they have to go and
> verify that it's a stable release, which is mildly annoying and
> unconventional.

Understood.  Request to have gfxstream and AEMU v0.1.2 release tags made.

For rutabaga_gfx_ffi, is the crates.io upload sufficient?


Debian, for example, treats crates.io as the source of truth and builds
tooling around that.  I wonder if Nixpkgs as similar tooling around

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