> From: "graff zeltner" <gz...@mail.com>
> Date: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 08:56:59 +0200
> I was pleasantly surprised to find a plethora of options in the
> latest qemu version 2.0.95. I have spent a couple of hours reading
> the documentation, and unfortunately was not able to run the program
> to see if everything works. I have a file generated by version
> 1.7.50 which I was running with qemu-system-x86_64. None of the
> previous options seem to work. I have a harddisk.img file which runs
> on 32-bit and 64-bit machine, except that on 64-bit it takes 30+
> minutes to boot tinycore linux with qemu. On a 32-bit one, this
> process takes about 10 minutes. I wanted to try the latest version
> to see if it can be accelrated a bit. I&#39;ve tried several
> different options, but I am stuck at the help menu. Could not boot
> anything with &#39;qemu-x86_64 -L /path/to/harddisk.img&#39; or any
> other options.<br/>

> Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated.<br/>

It would greatly help us if you showed exactly what command line(s)
you have tried, exactly what messages you received, exactly what
failures you observed, etc.  Otherwise, we are reduced to random



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