Am 26.06.2020 um 21:42 hat Nir Soffer geschrieben:
> On Tue, Jun 23, 2020 at 1:21 AM Nir Soffer <> wrote:
> >
> > I'm trying to export qcow2 images from ova format using qemu-nbd.
> >
> > I create 2 compressed qcow2 images, with different data:
> >
> > $ qemu-img info disk1.qcow2
> > image: disk1.qcow2
> > file format: qcow2
> > virtual size: 200 MiB (209715200 bytes)
> > disk size: 384 KiB
> > ...
> >
> > $ qemu-img info disk2.qcow2
> > image: disk2.qcow2
> > file format: qcow2
> > virtual size: 200 MiB (209715200 bytes)
> > disk size: 384 KiB
> > ...
> >
> > And packed them in a tar file. This is not a valid ova but good enough
> > for this test:
> >
> > $ tar tvf vm.ova
> > -rw-r--r-- nsoffer/nsoffer 454144 2020-06-22 21:34 disk1.qcow2
> > -rw-r--r-- nsoffer/nsoffer 454144 2020-06-22 21:34 disk2.qcow2
> >
> > To get info about the disks in ova file, we can use:
> >
> > $ python -c 'import tarfile; print(list({"name":, "offset":
> > m.offset_data, "size": m.size} for m in"vm.ova")))'
> > [{'name': 'disk1.qcow2', 'offset': 512, 'size': 454144}, {'name':
> > 'disk2.qcow2', 'offset': 455168, 'size': 454144}]
> >
> > First I tried the obvious:
> >
> > $ qemu-nbd --persistent --socket=/tmp/nbd.sock --read-only --offset=512 
> > vm.ova
> >
> > And it works, but it exposes the qcow2 data. I want to raw data so I
> > can upload the guest
> > data to ovirt, where is may be converted to qcow2 format.
> >
> > $ qemu-img info --output json "nbd+unix://?socket=/tmp/nbd.sock"
> > {
> >     "virtual-size": 209715200,
> >     "filename": "nbd+unix://?socket=/tmp/nbd.sock",
> >     "format": "qcow2",
> >  ...
> > }
> >
> > Looking in qemu manual and qapi/block-core.json, I could construct this 
> > command:
> >
> > $ qemu-nbd --persistent --socket=/tmp/nbd.sock --read-only
> > 'json:{"driver": "qcow2", "file": {"driver": "raw", "offset": 512,
> > "size": 454144, "file": {"driver": "file", "filename": "vm.ova"}}}'
> >
> > And it works:
> >
> > $ qemu-img info --output json "nbd+unix://?socket=/tmp/nbd.sock"
> > {
> >     "virtual-size": 209715200,
> >     "filename": "nbd+unix://?socket=/tmp/nbd.sock",
> >     "format": "raw"
> > }
> >
> > $ qemu-img map --output json "nbd+unix://?socket=/tmp/nbd.sock"
> > [{ "start": 0, "length": 104857600, "depth": 0, "zero": false, "data":
> > true, "offset": 0},
> > { "start": 104857600, "length": 104857600, "depth": 0, "zero": true,
> > "data": false, "offset": 104857600}]
> >
> > $ qemu-img map --output json disk1.qcow2
> > [{ "start": 0, "length": 104857600, "depth": 0, "zero": false, "data": 
> > true},
> > { "start": 104857600, "length": 104857600, "depth": 0, "zero": true,
> > "data": false}]
> >
> > $ qemu-img convert -f raw -O raw nbd+unix://?socket=/tmp/nbd.sock disk1.raw
> >
> > $ qemu-img info disk1.raw
> > image: disk1.raw
> > file format: raw
> > virtual size: 200 MiB (209715200 bytes)
> > disk size: 100 MiB
> >
> > $ qemu-img compare disk1.raw disk1.qcow2
> > Images are identical.
> >
> > I wonder if this is the best way to stack a qcow2 driver on top of a
> > raw driver exposing a range from a tar file.

Yes, if you want to specify an offset and a size to access only part of
a file as the disk image, sticking a raw driver in the middle is the way
to go.

> Other related challenges with this are:
> 1. probing image format
> With standalone images, we probe image format using:
>     qemu-img info image
> I know probing is considered dangerous, but I think this ok when user
> run this code on his machine, on an image they want to upload to
> oVirt. On a hypervisor we use prlimit to limit the resources used by
> qemu-img, so we can use the same solution also when running by a user
> if needed.
> However not being able to probe image format is a usability issue. It
> does not make sense that qemu-img cannot probe image format safely, at
> least for qcow2 format.
> I can get image info using:
> $ qemu-img info 'json:{"driver": "qcow2", "file": {"driver": "raw",
> "offset": 1536, "file": {"driver": "file", "filename":
> "fedora-32.ova"}}}'
> image: json:{"driver": "qcow2", "file": {"offset": 1536, "driver":
> "raw", "file": {"driver": "file", "filename": "fedora-32.ova"}}}
> file format: qcow2
> virtual size: 6 GiB (6442450944 bytes)
> disk size: 645 MiB
> cluster_size: 65536
> Format specific information:
>     compat: 1.1
>     lazy refcounts: false
>     refcount bits: 16
>     corrupt: false
> But there is no way to probe the format, unless I try first with
> qcow2, and consider the image as raw otherwise.

Just leave out the top-level "driver" option. This isn't -blockdev
(which does indeed require a "driver"), but uses the same logic as
-drive and therefore supports format probing:

$ ./qemu-img info 
image: json:{"driver": "qcow2", "file": {"offset": 512, "driver": "raw", 
"size": 2424832, "file": {"driver": "file", "filename": "/tmp/test.ova"}}}
file format: qcow2
virtual size: 64 MiB (67108864 bytes)
disk size: 2.32 MiB
cluster_size: 65536
Format specific information:
    compat: 1.1
    compression type: zlib
    lazy refcounts: false
    refcount bits: 16
    corrupt: false

> We can parse the qcow2 header manually, as we already do in oVirt
> engine UI in javascript:
> We have used this code for 5 years and had no issues with it yet.
> In the worst case, if we fail to detect, or let the user upload a
> qcow2 files oVirt does not
> support, the uload will fail at the end, in the verification step,
> when we run check the
> uploaded image using "qemu-img info". This is done using prlimit since
> we treat this
> image as untrusted.
> I think it would be useful if the qemu project was publishing
> libraries in C/python/javascript
> supporting format probing for qcow2 format.
> 2. getting image virtual size
> So we can use qemu-img info with a custom json: filename, but this is
> very complicated and error prone.

How is this complicated and error prone? I would understand the
reasoning for human use (maybe not really error prone, but the syntax is
somewhat hard to remember), but isn't the context here use by a machine?

> 3. measuring image required size when converting to qcow2 image on block 
> device
> This works if we know the image format:
> $ qemu-img measure -O qcow2 'json:{"driver": "qcow2", "file":
> {"driver": "raw", "offset": 1536, "file": {"driver": "file",
> "filename": "fedora-32.ova"}}}'
> required size: 1381302272
> fully allocated size: 6443696128
> But it is complicated.
> Can we have better support in qemu-img/qemu-nbd for accessing images
> in a tar file?
> Maybe something like:
>     qemu-img info tar://vm.ova?member=fedora-32.qcow2

The problem with such convenient shortcut URLs is that they always fail
to cover more than the simplest cases. For example, how would you
express that you want to use a file from a tar file accessed through NBD
or HTTP?

Of course, even if you have to revert to JSON (or the equivalent dotted
key syntax) for these cases, you would still save the work to find out
the right offsets yourself, so the idea does have some merit.

I wouldn't reject patches to add such a driver.

> This can return information on the file named "fofora-32.qcow2" in the
> tar file "vm.ova".
> image:  tar://vm.ova?member=fedora-32.qcow2
> file format: qcow2
> virtual size: 6 GiB (6442450944 bytes)
> disk size: 645 MiB
> cluster_size: 65536
> Format specific information:
>     compat: 1.1
>     lazy refcounts: false
>     refcount bits: 16
>     corrupt: false
> $ qemu-img measure -O qcow2 tar://vm.ova?member=fedora-32.qcow2
> required size: 1381302272
> fully allocated size: 6443696128
> What if we had a tar driver that can be used like this:
> {"driver": "qcow2",
>  "file": {"driver": "tar",
>           "member": "fedora-32.qcow2",
>           "file": {"driver": "file",
>                     "filename": "vm.ova"}}}
>  This driver can be implemented using tar parser and a raw driver
> using offset and size.
> So maybe we don't need a driver, but code in qemu-img parsing tar
> format, and building the right graph using existing drivers.

I don't think that qemu-img should have any file format code (which
would then be missing from QEMU proper and the other tools). A block
driver is the right approach.

> Regardless of how we implement it, qemu-img will have basic support
> for ova format, which sounds like a good thing, even if ova format is
> horrible and non-standard. Users don't care about the details, only
> about compatibility.

Yes, indeed.


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